Stress Management - Seven Simple Strategies For Short-Circuiting Stress

Doing something different can often break the stress cycle and give you a fresh outlook. If you're feeling hassled, frustrated, and tense, try one of the following suggestions, or let these spark your imagination for your next steps to escape the worrisome ruts of your life. Short-circuit your stress by doing something positive but a little outside of your routine to revitalize and refocus.

1. Get out your back issues of Reader's Digest and enjoy the jokes again. While you're at it, clip your favorite jokes and begin a file for those times when you need a chuckle. Humor is a great way to let go of stress.

Stress Management

2. Watch a baby learning to walk. They use many creative approaches to taking those first steps, and they look really surprised when they plop down, but they keep getting up and trying again. Your life can be a similar adventure if you choose to see it that way!

3. Sit on your back porch and savor a bowl of blueberries and yogurt. It's a healthy treat for most of us, and can help you to relax and reconnect with the natural sweetness of life.

4. Give away something you enjoyed but no longer need to someone who can use it. You'll smile inside and be more relaxed and upbeat.

5. Do the "child pose" from yoga. Kneel and sit back on your folded up legs, then lean forward until you can lay one cheek on the floor. Arms are at your sides with fingers back toward your feet. Relax this way for a couple of minutes, then stretch and get moving again. Or go to bed and sleep deeply.

6. Tell the story of your zaniest or most embarrassing moment as a teenager to a close friend. Chances are you'll both be laughing like crazy, letting stress melt away.

7. Declare an impromptu party. Invite half a dozen friends -- including at least one new friend -- to stop what they are doing and come over with whatever they were planning to have for dinner tonight, and you can all share food and play Scrabble, watch a movie on television, or talk yourselves silly.

Bonus Strategy:

8. Stay up all night and talk to God. Ask for assistance with eliminating the causes of your stress. Talk it over. Be angry if that's how you feel. (God can handle it!) Write and burn your messages, or just pray and listen. Devote the entire night to communicating with the God of your heart and watch what happens to your stress level as issues in your life begin to change in the next few days and weeks.

Stress Management - Seven Simple Strategies For Short-Circuiting Stress

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Dr. Ilenya Marrin is a personal peace coach, spiritual counselor, inspirational speaker and author of ebooks The Power of Personal Peace: Reducing Stress by Loving Yourself from the Inside Out and 77 Loving Steps for Success.

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