What Causes Mental Strain?

Mental strain is the culprit of all vision problems and ailments. If you can learn how to dispose of all mental strain in your life, your eyesight will definitely improve. Unfortunately, that is no easy task due to all the outside forces that are always working against you that cause the strain and stress in your life. Some of these events are within your power to change and some are not.

Because there are so many outside interferences that can cause mental strain in our lives, it's difficult to control. Anything from financial problems and debt, family issues, pressure from work, heartaches, breakups, problems at school, medications, low self-esteem, death of a relative or friend, illness, negative thinking patterns, divorce, genetic problems, the weather, just to name a few. Some of these we can control and work on to alleviate from our lives but others are totally out of our control.


The number one thing that we have total control over is our thoughts. Although it's no easy task to change the way you think about things, it's definitely 100% possible. Just by dealing with our negative thoughts can change the problems we thought were out of our control. Having a positive outlook on life can actually help you feel better.

It is human nature to find fault outside of ourselves for the way we feel and the way we act at times. We tend to find some other reason or someone else to blame for our negative behavior. Our own thoughts are our biggest enemy. No one is responsible for our feelings. No one can make us feel a certain way. Ultimately, we are responsible for how we feel and how we choose to react to situations. Because of our negative feelings, mental strain and stress will remain in our lives which will continue to cause excess strain on our eyes.

Little things that may set us off are an underlying deeper problem. Take the time to understand why negative feelings are a common occurrence in your life. Why are you always frustrated or upset? What steps can you take to solve these problems? Once you understand what is the root of your negative thoughts, you can then learn how to deal with them. It's time to take charge of your own life including your thoughts, feeling and emotions.

By learning how to eliminate mental strain and stress from your life, you can improve your eyesight naturally.

What Causes Mental Strain?

Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, Adrienne was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. To read more about these methods, please visit Improve Eyesight Naturally.

If you would like to learn about these methods first hand, please visit Vision Without Glasses.

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The Stages of Stress

The human response to stress develops in time and passes through several stages. In case of chronic stress each stage is more severe than the previous.

Stage 1

\"stress Management\"

We experience mild anxiety. In many cases, for instance when switching to a higher position or assuming a new role (childbirth is associated with assuming the role of parent) we feel like facing a new challenge and mobilize to cope with it. Normally we have high motivation and our energy level is adequate to deal with stress. Usually there is a period in which stress increases our productivity.

Stage 2

If the level of stress continues to increase, one begins to feel its effects on their daily activities. There may be complaints of overwhelm with work or inability to take a sip of air. This stress turns easily into distress, which is accompanied by the sense of overloading.

Stage 3

If no action is taken to deal with stress one enters the third stage of stress. The most frequent complaint is "the more I work, the less I succeed". For this stage are typical symptoms associated with chronic stress such as irritability, tension and headaches.

Stage 4

The final stage is characterized by emotional exhaustion and reduced sense of achievement. This stage can be recognized if the person is asked to compare how he feels on Friday after the working day on Monday before starting work. If you still felt exhausted on Monday and the weekend was not sufficient for recovery, you should definitely consider anti stress actions.

The Stages of Stress

If you want to learn more about stress and how it affects us please visit http://www.stress-management-for-health.com/how-does-stress-affect-health.html.

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3 Ab Exercises That Don't Hurt Your Back Or Neck

One of the biggest complaints people have about doing ab exercises is that they hurt their back and neck. Indeed, some of the more commong stomach workouts can indeed place a lot of strain on your lower back and neck, cause discomfort and even pain.

However, doing a stomach workout does not have to be this way. It's entirely possible to get an awesome abs workout without feeling any discomfort in your back and neck. A lot depends on your choice of exercises. You just need to do the right ones.


Often, stomach exercises that involve lifting your torso toward your knees are those that create neck and back strain. However, the opposite movement is often much easier on the back. I'm talking about exercises in which you bring your knees and legs toward your chest. You're still crunching your abs to get that tightening feeling but you don't have to lift your head or back off the floor so you're not placing too much strain on them.

Here are 3 ab exercises you can do without hurting your back:

1. Hip lifts - Bring both legs up straight at a ninety degrees angle to the floor. Keep your entire upper body and head on the floor. Lift your hips a bit of the floor pushing your legs straight up. Make sure to use your abs to make this movement. When you go back down, don't let your legs fall toward the ground. Maintain control over them throughout the movement.

2. Reverse crunches - Similar to the regular crunch, you begin this exercise by lying on the floor with both legs bent at the knees. Lift your legs a bit off the floor. Curl both legs toward your chest. You may raise your buttocks off the ground a bit to bring your knees close to your chest. Don't lift your head to not strain your neck. Make sure to exhale while bringing your legs up and inhale while lowering them. Don't let your legs touch the ground.

3. The third abs exercise that you can do without hurting your neck and back is what I like to call the half-bicycle. The bicycle abs workout is done with a movement of your upper body and lower one both. In this version, you only use your legs.

To do the half-bicycle, lie on the ground, raise both legs a bit off the floor and begin alternating between them, bending one and bringing it toward your upper body and straightening the other a bit over the ground.

You can and should do abs exercises. If you suffer from neck or back pain, do these exercises and you may feel better.

3 Ab Exercises That Don't Hurt Your Back Or Neck

For more killer exercises to tone your abs visit Exercises to Burn Tummy Fat

To see how you too can get flat abs visit How to get a Flat Belly Fast
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Tags : Help Me Sleep Well Exercise Workouts What to do to lose weight

Hamstring Injury

The hamstring muscles are a thigh muscle group sited in the posterior thigh (back of the upper leg) and which are a common location of injury and persistent pain in sporting people. The typical areas which are preferentially injured are higher in the thigh near the buttock and towards the outer side of the leg. The muscles of the hamstrings have not been given common names and retain their Latin ones: biceps femoris; semitendinosus and semimembranosus. The most commonly injured of these three muscles is the biceps femoris.

A grading of severity is applied to hamstring injuries to assist diagnosis and treatment. A grade 1 injury will involve some damaged muscle fibres but a relatively mild strain. A grade 2 injury will involve a moderate strain of the muscle with an assessable loss of muscle power and a grade 3 injury involves a complete muscle tear or tear of the musculotendinous unit. Injuries are more common at the tendon and muscle junction in the upper areas of the muscle although the tendon-muscle junction of the biceps femoris occurs down much of its length. Injuries to the tendons themselves are uncommon unless there is a defined pathology already.


The ischial tuberosity (the bones we sit on or the "bones in the buttock") is the originating point for most of the hamstring tendons. An avulsion fracture may occur at this point where a sudden, large range of motion occurs without warning and pulls off the tendon from the bony connection, an affliction most commonly seen in people who water ski. Younger people have larger numbers of such injuries as they are more active in sport and participating in risky activities such as contact sports, field sports, sprinting, rugby and football.

The hamstrings start at the ischial tuberosity in the buttock, run down the back of the thigh and insert into varying places on the tibia or fibula. When these muscles are contracting and lengthening at the same time (eccentric contraction) such as in track events and rugby, there can be a high risk of injury. Direct muscle blows can result in contusions to the tissues while water skiers are more prone to avulsion injuries as they fall because they undergo rapid hip flexion with their knees straight. Onset of a hamstring strain is typically sudden and often when the person is moving quickly, with an audible pop in the muscle often reported.

Pain is felt in the back of the thigh immediately and the injury is often either early in the activity (not yet warmed up) or late in the activity where tiredness may be a factor. General movements and functional activities such as stair climbing may be painful provided the injury is not too severe. There may be little to see in the posterior thigh of these patients but testing the ability to bend the knee against resistance may elicit a painful response. If one of the hamstring muscles is ruptured it may contract up into a ball on testing and the examiner will notice the reduced strength.

An increase in the risk of suffering from a hamstring injury is thought to occur if the quadriceps and hamstring strength ratios are incorrect, the person is tired, there is a poor warm up or a limitation of flexibility. A previous history of hamstring injury is a significant risk of having a recurrent strain. The approach to treatment of the injury is dictated by the severity of the muscle and tendinous damage and a physiotherapist will progress someone with a minor strain quickly onto strength training from range of movement work while more serious injuries may even need surgery.

The first aims of physiotherapy for an injury of a moderate level would be to limit the degree of local swelling and reduce the pain and inflammation from the soft tissue damage. Physios use the PRICE principles in these cases: Protection of the damaged tissues to prevent further damaging stresses being applied; Rest from normal activity and sport to allow the healing process to proceed; Ice in 20 minute bursts to control inflammation and pain; Compression over the damaged area with elastic wraps; Elevation of the part is not simple due to its location and that the patient wants to keep their knee bent.

Hamstring Injury

Jonathan Blood Smyth, editor of the Physiotherapy Site, writes articles about physiotherapy, physiotherapy, Sheffield Physiotherapy, back pain, orthopaedic conditions, neck pain and injury management. Jonathan is a superintendant physiotherapist at an NHS hospital in the South-West of the UK.

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Stress Rash - Anxiety Can Cause Hives and Unidentified Skin Rashes

Just as anxiety can cause headaches, stomach problems and insomnia, a stress rash is also a common expression for underlying tension. Stress and anxiety can affect our bodies in a number of ways and the skin is a vulnerable area. If one has an existing rash due to another cause such as an allergy, scabies bacterial infection, stress can make things worse as insomnia weakens one's immune system and can prevent healing.

Whether stress it the whole or partial factor in the rash, finding effective ways to manage daily tension and stressors without internalizing things to the point of your health deteriorating is very important. Repetitive negative self-statements and excessive worry can wreak havoc on our immune systems.


Ask yourself if the events you are bothered by will be on your mind three months from now. Many things that disturb us are very temporary. For instance, the attitude of someone in a drug store towards you, disappointment at getting a traffic ticket or anger about another pimple will fade away quickly. However, in the presence of the moment, they can seem huge and snowball with other thoughts. The traffic ticket situation can grow into negative thoughts such as, "Nothing ever goes my way. I am always getting the short end of the stick." It is these types of thoughts that can drag us down and give us somatic complaints such as headaches, loose bowels and the hives stress rash.

In addition to asking yourself if the situation will bother you in three months from now, have a way to diffuse the inner agitation. It can be through taking a long walk, swimming, having a funny YouTube clip you play, using relaxation CDs, doing a yoga routine or remembering what really matters.

Situation in life will always be happening and we need to master them in order to not feel victimized. If you get a stress rash, you may need an antihistamine to get relief from the itching. Take this so you can get a good night's sleep. Use anti-inflammatory creams to control the rash. An oatmeal bath is very therapeutic. Find ways to look at your boss, in-laws and even kids with humor and not as such intense melodramas.In the US one out of 8 people have an anxiety disorder and this is close to 20 million people. A stress rash is very common but it's also good to diagnose it to see if the root may be an infection,excessive perspiration, insect bite, poisonous plant or allergic reaction.

Stress Rash - Anxiety Can Cause Hives and Unidentified Skin Rashes

Learn more about Itchy Skin Rashes and the role stress plays in hives and other rashes at http://www.itchyskinrash.net

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Body Building Workout Schedule

"What is the best body building workout schedule?" is a question that beginning bodybuilders pose time and time again. This quest for a holy grail of perfect workout schedule has been sought for generations and the truth is that the actual components of a workout schedule are only slightly more important than the timing of the schedule itself. From rudimentary exercises that can be done in the home or in a basic gym up to compound muscle group super sets the pros use, the secret to a body building workout schedule is in its consistency.

Day in and day out, at approximately the same time of day, you should be exercising your body and you mind to develop the habit of your new routine. By 'scheduling' yourself for body building, you will train yourself to get the feeling that something is wrong if you skip a session. This mental training starts with your preparation for your workout - the ritual of preparing you gym bag, walking into the gym, changing your clothes and mentally going over the routine you are about to perform.


Tiger Woods does not vary his approach to the ball depending on the weather. His swing, perhaps but the repetition of each practice swing has trained him to 'feel' when something is wrong and to step back and start over.

That being said, one of the most useful beginner workout schedule follows the work week alternating weight lifting with aerobic exercise every other day.

Day 1 - upper body workout

Day 2 - aerobic

Day 3 - lower body workout

Day 4 - aerobic

Day 5 - upper body workout

Day 6 - aerobic

Day 7 - rest

Start the next week with a lower body workout and continue alternating. This body building workout schedule accomplishes three things. One, it builds the habit of working out (almost) every day, the benefits of which are described above.

Two, it allows for ample rest between workouts of the same muscle group. It is in the rest period where your muscle actually grows. While you are in the gym working your muscles, they are under stress. It is in the reparation from that stress that the muscle becomes larger, not while it is under stress.

Three, it provides enough room for variety of exercises so that your muscles don't get used to doing the same exercise each time. The human body very easily gets used to any strain it is put under. If you performed the same exercise over and over again with no variety your muscles would quickly adapt and your routine would reach a point of diminishing returns. By altering the resistance, position and movement of your exercise, your muscles will not be able to adapt to the new strain they are being put under. Small stabilizing muscles and different areas of the same muscle will be strained in subsequent workout sessions keeping your muscles under varying strain and allowing for greater growth during the rest phase.

These are the basics for setting up a body building workout schedule.

Body Building Workout Schedule

Your workout could be an entire waste of time. The secrets to an effective workout are not handed to you with your gym membership. But you can't leave this page without clicking through to find out what they are, can you? http://www.squidoo.com/bodybuilding-workout-routine

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Stress Management Through Work Life Balance

We are all exposed to stress at various stages of our lives these days. It's become a fact of life. We talk about the reasons for our stress and we discuss various ways to alleviate it quite often, but how often do you talk about how it can upset the work life balance?

The pressure of deadlines to be met and decisions to be made, a lack of cooperation and problems with fellow colleagues, the children who have to be picked up from school, a tense relationship at home, plus a high consumption unhealthy food choices picked up in a rush on the way home from a busy day, all contribute to the reasons we can suffer from stress and stress related illnesses.

\"stress Management\"

What is stress?

Stress is a mixture of psychological and physiological reactions of the human body. In many cases, stress is the emotional side effect of not feeling able to find enough time to do those things you know need to be done.

A good example of a stressful situation is spending more time than you should solving problems at work, while you spend less time with family and friends or less time finding ways to unwind from the pressures of your job.

When your work/life balance is unequal you risk putting excessive strain on yourself physically and emotionally.

How Can You Manage Stress?

Stress management is about developing new perspectives in our lives and learning time management techniques. When demands on your time from work absorb your entire focus to the exclusion of your family obligations, you're creating stress.

To help manage some of the stress generated from an unbalanced work life, you may need to consider delegating some of your extra work activities. You might also think about addressing your work load with your employer and explaining the need for more assistance with some tasks.

Creating a Balance between Work and Home

When you willingly pour yourself into your work and exclude those people who love you, it's a bit like admitting that their needs come a poor second-best to what your employer needs from you first. Most people instantly react to this statement by saying that they work so hard in order to provide for their families.

Unfortunately, children don't see the distinction between you choosing to spend time away from them and needing to provide income. The sad fact is that many marriages also begin to suffer when your work-focus seems more important than the family you're supposed to be going to work to provide for.

Make a promise to sit down to dinner with your family each night. Not only does this force you to break your work-focus, but it also means sitting down to a relaxed meal with the family who love and need you.

Balancing Christian Values

Returning to our Christian values can also have a profound effect on eliminating stress. It seems that over the years we have let our Christian values slide into the background in favor of the "work at all costs" syndrome. Getting back to our basic values can aid us in managing and eliminating stress.

An integral Christian value is family and that basic value alone has reduced in importance as our need to spend more time working takes the focus. Take time out to spend some quality time with your family will not only reduce your stress levels, but it will bring you and your family closer together again.

Stress Management Through Work Life Balance

About this Author

Matt Peters
Learn how to simplify life this way http://simplifylifethisway.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_A._Peters

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Definition of Stress Management

Understanding the core factors in producing stress takes you closer to eliminating it. But since the most common conception of stress takes into account something we all know, then the definition of stress management should be obvious - except that it isn't.

We define it as our conscious knowledge of things that effect stress and the methods to divest stress harmlessly out of our body system. It is also a set of techniques that professionals do to help us in coping with various kinds of stress. Furthermore, we can also say that it is an equipping of knowledge, a conditioning, or a change of a lifestyle that allows only the most minimum instances where stress can actually set in.

Stress Management

Before we start, what is stress? Stress is a nervous system reaction of your body towards certain stimulus. This nervous system reaction could be easily viewed as an unconscious preparation of the body for a certain activity, like for instance releasing adrenaline chemicals onto your muscles whenever you feel alarmed, for example triggering auto response duck and adrenaline rush quickness on the muscles as you hear and process a gunfire shot; or else shutting down some of your pain receptors while you're in a fight.

The problem with stress response is that it also triggers psychologically. Anxiety of approaching deadlines, nervousness over the outcome of a completing project, surmounting unpaid bills, or the nervous anticipation of any event, any situation that's going to happen in the near future may trigger stress response. Over time, these repeated stress experiences can severely deplete energy which could be used for other health functions like digesting meals, functioning body defense system, and such.

Returning on track, the definition of stress management is a system that is aimed to reduce stress and/or facilitate the person to cope with these instances. Because stress falls into a complex assortment of emotions and sources of them are even more profuse, the definition of stress management has become so broad, but all of them are aimed to relieve stress and divert these energies elsewhere harmless, and sometimes, even productive. All in all, the definition of stress management falls into three categories: action oriented stress management, emotionally oriented stress management, and acceptance oriented stress management.

Definition of Stress Management

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Stress Management and runs a highly popular and comprehensive /">Stress Management web site. For more articles and resources on Stress Management related topics, stress relief, stress tests, stress symptoms, stress reduction and much more visit his site at:


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Positive and Negative Stress

As human being, you need stress to thrive, excel and enjoy live. This is called positive stress. However, positive stress can become negative if it is not balanced and managed efficiently. Your goal is to aim for a positive stress phase.

Signs of positive stress

Stress Management

1. Increased creativity: not only in making or creating things but also in developing new ways to solve problems or finding better ways of doing things.

2. Increased productivity at work and on a personal level.

3. A general feeling of wellbeing, happiness and joy. It is your birthright to lead a happy, fulfilled live during your stay here on earth.

4. An immune system that functions optimally and is able to resist illness, infections, and cancer. Even if you are surrounded by people carrying all sorts of germs, you simply will not become ill.

Warning signs of negative stress.

1. Reduced productivity and creativity: nothing works the way it should. Everything is too much for you. You struggle or cannot find solution to problems. Because you are terrified of making the wrong decision, you end up not making any decision at all. You are unable to concentrate or remember things. Depression starts in much the same way.

2. A reduce feeling of wellbeing, joy and happiness: you no longer enjoy anything and don't look forward to anything. Everything is a burden. These symptoms can be precursors of depression unless you take proper precautions in time.

3. All sort of unfortunate things happen to you. You become so preoccupied with the daily stress of living that, you are unable to focus or concentrate. This easily lead to car accidents, you drop and break things or lose them. You cannot remember anything; you cut yourself on a regular basis etc...

4. You start avoiding social contact. Shunning people for a long period is also a sign of depression. Remember that socialising is one of the basic human needs.

5. Your immune system functions poorly and suffers from colds, influenza, allergies, chronic fatigue, anxiety etc... Unless you take the necessary steps to restore your equilibrium.

6. The ageing process accelerates because of the increased metabolism associated with sustained, unmanaged stress. Free radicals and other waste products accumulate add cell activity deteriorates resulting in premature age

Positive and Negative Stress

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7 Leading Causes of Stress

In 1967, Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahe, from the University of Washington, did a study on the connection between significant life events and illness. As part of that study, they compiled a chart of the major causes of stress. That chart, which contained 43 causes of stress in 1967, was updated to 55 causes in 2006. Apparently, society is finding more causes to feel stressed.

If you knew the leading causes of stress in your life, would you take action to eradicate them? Can you eradicate stress - or is it an inoperable condition that will be with you all of your life, possibly causing your eventual death?

Stress Management

Which Is Your Leading Cause of Stress?

1. Finances

Most studies agree that finances are a leading cause of stress. In an online poll conducted in 2005 by LifeCare, Inc., 23 percent of respondents named finances as the leading cause of stress in their lives. Financial stress has led the list in many modern polls.

Some who name finances as the leading cause of stress cite major purchases they have to make, such as a home or car. Others are stressed by a loss of income, or mounting credit card debt. For some, financial stress will eventuate in bankruptcy. While college students stress over paying for an education, Baby Boomers and older senior citizens find that retirement income can be a major cause of stress.

2. Work

Closely tied to finances as a cause of stress is work. Our jobs or careers seem to cause constant stress. In the LifeCare poll, 21 percent of those responding listed this as the leading cause of stress in life.

How is the workplace a cause of stress? We worry about getting and keeping adequate employment. We worry about new types of work or new responsibilities. We struggle to climb a career ladder, overwhelmed by the demands. Work conditions may change, or we may have interpersonal trouble at work. Students, especially teenagers and college age students, cite school work as a cause of stress. Sometimes, work stress is brought on by others. Sometimes, we bring it on ourselves.

3. Family

Family, wonderful though each member may be, is also a leading cause of stress. Arguments erupt with a spouse or other family member. Parents divorce. Children marry. The ebb and flow of family life is filled with stress. A child moves out - an aging parent moves in.

Family health is also a leading cause of stress. A sick family member, a serious injury, pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion all cause stress. Family changes of other kinds bring stress, too. Adoption, relocation, and job changes for just one family member can cause stress for all.

4. Personal Concerns

Personal concerns that are only indirectly created by others are another top cause of stress. Lack of control tops the list of personal concerns. Every human has a deep-seated desire for control over his or her own life. When control is weak or missing in a given area, we experience stress. To many people, a lack of control over their own time is a leading cause of stress. We want to determine when we do tasks around the home, or at work. Holding a job, participating in the children's carpool to school, driving family to soccer practices, shopping, and scout meetings while trying to keep the household running can create major stress. You would like to control your time, rather than let others' demands control it, but that is not always possible.

We may be involved in legal proceedings that cause stress. We may be wrestling with a bad habit. We may be going through changes. Personal change of any kind can be a cause of stress.

5. Personal Health and Safety

Most people find that personal health is a leading cause of stress. For some, the stress is linked to obesity, and a desire to lose weight. For others, the stress is a personal bas habit that affects health and must be changed. For example, smoking, abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Illness or injury, whether less or more serious, can be a leading cause of stress for many people. Incontinence can be an ongoing concern. Personal health is more or less stressful according to the degree of seriousness and our personal outlook on health.

Personal safety is also a leading cause of stress. Women, more than men, tend to stress about their own and others' safety. Adults tend to stress more than young people, who may act invincible. Crime is a factor, as is

6. Personal Relationships

Whether it is a friendship, dating, separation, marriage, divorce, or re-marriage, a relationship can be a leading cause of stress for many. We all want love, and that is potentially available in relationships, but getting from A to B can be very stressful. Some resort to online relationships that are easier to handle. Others withdraw and become recluses. Either way, the demands on time, finances, and emotions can cause ongoing stress.

7. Death

Probably the most wrenching cause of stress is the death of a loved one or close friend. Even the death of a pet can be stressful. Children are always a source of stress for parents, but when a child dies, the stress is overwhelming. The same is true when a lifetime spouse passes on.

Win or Lose

Causes of stress change as we age. The stressed child who threw tantrums becomes a young student, stressed by the school bully. The young student becomes a teenager, stressed by acne, hormones, and dating. The teenager becomes a young adult trying to handle the stresses of leaving home, adjusting to college life, and managing finances. Life progresses to first jobs, marriage, children, and so on. Even if you move to a secluded cabin in the woods, stress will follow you.

Gaining knowledge of the leading causes of stress is important. Using that knowledge to win over unhealthy stress is vital.

7 Leading Causes of Stress

©2007, Anna Hart. Anna brings to her writing her professional training and expertise as an educator. When she writes at http://www.stressmanagementblog.com about a leading cause of stress, she does so from well-conducted research. Anna invites you to read more on her blog about the causes of family stress.

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Stress Management In The Workplace: Handling Work Stress

Stress management in the workplace is a reality that most of us have to face for one reason or another and coping with it is key to long-term career success.

Some careers are more stressful than others and some companies and managers you work for might provide you with more stress than you'd otherwise like.

Stress Management

Having some stress can be helpful because it can provide motivation that allows you to work with a bit of a sense of urgency and purpose.

When stress in the workplace reaches a high level and carries over to your personal life in a negative way though, this is a sign that you need to do something to properly manage it so that it doesn't spiral out of control further.

Here are some suggestions for successful stress management in the workplace:

    1. Try to address issues that might be affecting your stress level that you might not readily think of, especially the ones you can change. Do you drive 1 hour to work each day and feel beaten up by the time you get into the office each morning? Are there ways you can lighten your workload? Do you need to learn how to say "no" to certain requests from time to time? Look for ways of changing how you to things especially ones you have some control over. 2. Look for ways to improve your time management. Often, stress is a result of simply not having enough time to complete everything you need to do. Stop wasting time talking with colleagues and making personal phone calls, stop surfing the Internet for personal reasons, and eliminate other time wasters. Shut your office door if you have trouble with people walking in and distracting you or find a quiet office where you can work undisturbed if necessary. 3. Find some sort of athletic endeavor to take part in. I like working out at the gym but you might find jogging, playing squash or taking yoga classes will help. Try something athletic that gets your mind off work. Start by going for a walk at lunchtime just to get out of the office for a bit. 4. Don't neglect your personal life. Remember to try to find the proper balance between your work life and your work outside of work. Try when possible to leave work at work. A separation between work and personal life is paramount. 5. Carefully consider whether or not you are in the right job. If successful stress management at work is just not possible and if you yearn for your time with a previous employer when things were better, maybe you're in the wrong job. Do you like what do you or is it simply a job to you? If it's simply a job there might be other jobs that are less stressful that are better suited to your personality.

Stress management in the workplace is critical to your long-term career and long-term health. When stress management is simply not achievable through change, consider consulting a doctor for a medical opinion in case you are suffering from more than just stress.

Stress Management In The Workplace: Handling Work Stress

Carl Mueller is an Internet entrepreneur and professional recruiter who wants to help you find your dream career.

Visit Carl's website to separate yourself from other job searchers: http://www.find-your-dream-career.com

Sign up for The Effective Career Planner, Carl’s free 5-day course: http://www.find-your-dream-career.com/effective-career-planner.html

Ezine editors/Webmasters: Please feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your website. Please don’t change any of the content and please ensure that you include the above bio that shows my website URL. If you would like me to address any specific career topics in future articles, please let me know.

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Stress Indicators

Stress indicators are numerous and can be physical, mental and emotional and most often appear in combination. The following article will specifically look at the signals that let you know you are experiencing stress.

Physical symptoms:

Stress Management

Stress can be experienced in a range of different ways. Here are some of the common physical effects of stress.

  • Energy levels are low
  • Disturbed sleep patterns: inability to sleep, waking up multiple times at night, not being able to go back to sleep
  • Increased drug, recreational drug, tranquilizer and alcohol consumption
  • Dealing with physical pain or discomfort over a period of time
  • Physical tensions, pains, headaches
  • Strange behaviour patterns may appear
  • Grinding teeth at night
  • Inability to relax, restlessness
  • Increased outbreaks of arthritis and other inflammations or irritations on a physical level
  • Difficulties in breathing, chest tightness
  • Digestive problems without any apparent physical cause
Mental symptoms:

Mental symptoms are possibly the trickiest ones to pinpoint whether they are stress related or not, as they might also stem from other causes than stress. Check how many other symptoms appear simultaneously.

  • Lack of or low concentration, easily distracted which could lead to small accidents
  • Increased potential for making mistakes
  • Inability to respond in the usual way, reduced or unpredictable speed of responding
  • Deteriorating memory, lack of recall ability
  • Organisation and planning abilities deteriorate
  • Existing personality problems increase
  • Forgetfulness
Emotional symptoms:

Again, emotional symptoms vary from person to person and in intensity.

  • Psychological tension and irritability increases and ability to manage emotions decreases
  • Short temper, increased emotional reactivity, mood swings, breaking down, flying off the handle, crying for no apparent reason
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence are affected
  • Feelings of depression and helplessness are experienced
  • Feeling overwhelmed, overanxious, lack of patience
  • Lack of or diminished enthusiasm and interest
  • Changes in the way you know yourself, personality traits, inability to feel like oneself
  • Not enjoying activities, situations, people as before
  • Cynicism about people around increases
  • Responsibilities are no longer being carried out successfully
  • Inability to carry out the normal tasks in life like doing the dishes, shopping etc
  • Decreased willingness to socialize, staying at home
  • Getting lost in meaningless activities like watching TV even though the program is of no real interest or playing video games
  • Suicide thoughts may occur or suicide threats may be made
On a short to mid-term basis stress can be managed, however if you are constantly under significant stress for a longer period of time you have to deal with the effects. If you are unsure whether you are under the influence of excessive stress and need support speak to your doctor or therapist.

Stress Indicators

Want to know more? Have a look at my blog.

Nathalie Himmelrich is the founder of 'Reach for the Sky Therapy' on Sydney's Northern Beaches and specialises in 'relationship related issues'. She is working with individuals and couples using techniques ranging from Counselling, Neuro Linguistic Programming to Journey Therapy. She supports clients in their personal growth in a supportive and professional environment.

Visit my website: http://www.reachforthesky.com.au or visit my blog: http://reachforthesky.wordpress.com and sign up for our newsletter today.

See Also : The stress no more

12 Stress Management Tips For People With Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Most people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis can do a better job of managing the stress in their lives. While this holds true for most people in general, and not just those with an autoimmune hypothyroid disorder, the fact remains that stress can be one of the causes behind this condition. And if it isn't the cause of your disorder, then without question it can make your condition worse if you don't do a good job of handling it.

What you need to realize is that our bodies were not designed to handle chronic stress, but instead was meant to deal with acute stress situations. So what happens is when a person has chronic stress (which seems to describe most of us in this society), this in turn can weaken the immune system, and can also have a negative effect on other areas of the body, such as the adrenal glands. This compromised immune system or stressed adrenal glands can ultimately lead to the formation of an autoimmune condition, such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

Stress Management

So the goal here is to give you twelve stress management tips that can help restore your health back to normal, prevent your condition from becoming worse, and/or reduce the likelihood of developing other conditions in the future. This might sound too good to be true. But when you understand that chronic stress is not something your body was designed to handle AND that there a number of things you need to do to manage the stress in your life, you'll realize that following the advice I'm about to give can do wonders when it comes to your health.

Here Are The 12 Stress Management Tips:

Tip #1: Try to keep a positive attitude most of the time. While a positive attitude alone isn't enough to manage your stress, having one can definitely help. Obviously nobody can be positive 100% of the time. But many people seem to always carry a negative attitude with them, which definitely won't help you cope with the stress in your life.

Tip #2: Begin a regular exercise program. You want to engage in some type of cardiovascular activity at least 3-4 times each week, ideally for at least 30 minutes each time. This can include taking a walk outside or on a treadmill, going on the elliptical machine or stationary bike, or anything else that will make you sweat a little. I realize some people with autoimmune disorders might not have the energy to exercise. If this describes you, even 20 to 30 minutes of walking will be beneficial. Besides engaging in cardiovascular exercise, other activities that can help you to manage stress include yoga and Pilates.

Tip #3: Eat healthier foods. Most of us can do a much better job of incorporating healthier foods into our diets. I don't expect anyone who has been eating poorly to immediately give up all of the "bad foods" they love. But even making small changes in what you eat can have a big impact on your health.

Tip #4: Drink plenty of purified water each day. Many sources suggest that you should drink at least eight tall glasses of water each day. The problem with this is that everyone has different needs based on their weight, and so I recommend that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces. So for example, if you weigh 140 pounds, then you would want to drink at least 70 ounces of water each day. And please don't drink tap water, as you really should be drinking purified water.

Tip #5: Take quality nutritional supplements. Since most of us don't eat a perfect diet, it's important to take some quality nutritional supplements on a daily basis. At the very least you should take a quality multi-mineral vitamin and fatty acid each day. There are a lot of poor-absorbing supplements being sold, and so you do need to be careful. I personally recommend whole food supplements to my patients, rather than the synthetic vitamins that are sold by most retailers.

Tip #6: Get at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night. I know this might seem difficult to do, especially if you need to wake up early for work. And once again, some people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis will have difficulty falling to sleep and/or will wake up in the middle of the night. So until they get this problem addressed then it admittedly will be difficult for them to get eight hours of quality sleep on a regular basis. Often times sleep problems are caused by stressed out adrenal glands, which most endocrinologists and medical doctors don't address.

Tip #7: Avoid environmental toxins as much as possible. While it's not possible to avoid these completely, you need to realize that these toxins really do affect our health. I'm not going to discuss everything you can do to avoid these toxins, but I will tell you two things you can do to that will help you in the long term. First of all, install a filter in your shower that removes chlorine, as this can really help boost your energy levels. Second, stop buying household cleaners with harsh chemicals, and instead get some natural household cleaners at your local health food store.

Tip #8: Make love more often. Having sex increases the endorphins in your body, which also will help you to manage stress. So make love with your partner more often.

Tip #9: Get a monthly massage. Schedule an appointment with a licensed massage therapist and treat yourself to a monthly massage. Massage therapy is not just about stress management, as there are many other benefits as well. But one of the big benefits of massage therapy is that it can help to relieve stress.

Tip #10: Consider seeing a chiropractor. Okay, I'm admittedly a little bit biased here, being that I have a chiropractic background. But since spinal adjustments help to balance out the nervous system, receiving them from a chiropractor can also help to relieve stress. Like massage therapy, there are so many other benefits when it comes to chiropractic.

Tip #11: Talk to someone. Sometimes speaking with someone can help relieve your stress. This doesn't necessarily mean talking with a counselor, although in some cases this can be helpful. But even talking with a good friend, family member, or acquaintance can really help.

Tip #12: Don't take life so seriously. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't take certain aspects of your life seriously. But on the other hand, many of us let things stress out that really shouldn't. Write down a list of some of the things that cause stress in your life, and then take a look at these tips I have just given you, and determine how you can apply this advice to those things that stress you out on a regular basis.

For example, if you have a job that stresses you out, then perhaps you need to change your attitude (or change your job!). Or it might be that you're not eating well and/or not getting enough sleep. These lifestyle changes won't get rid of the stress in your life, but will help you better manage it. If your spouse is stressing you out, then perhaps counseling is the answer for you.

So here you have it, as if you follow at least 75% of these tips (9 of 12), including all of the first six I listed, you will do wonders in managing your stress. This admittedly is an incomplete list, as there are other things you can do to manage your stress. But these are some of the more important ones that can truly help to restore your health, and help you to maintain your health.

12 Stress Management Tips For People With Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Dr. Eric Osansky is a licensed healthcare professional who personally used natural treatment methods to restore his health when he was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disorder. For more information on how to use natural treatment methods to treat Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, including a free video and 46-page guide that shows you how to treat your autoimmune thyroid disorder naturally, please visit his website at http://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com.

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