Stress Management For The Elderly

Stress management works on two levels. The first is about maintaining an harmonious lifestyle so that stress does not get out of control. This involves having outlets that allow you to release the stress. The second strategy involves learning how to relax yourself or change your mood if stress is having a negative impact on your life. The first strategy is about prevention. The second is more to do with the cure for stress. This article will look at these two strategies and how they can be applied to stress management for the elderly.

There are no great secrets about preventing stress from being a serious issue in your life. If you want to prevent stress then you have to engage in life.

Stress Management

Stay active. Many older people go to the gym these days and there are a variety of low impact activities like water aerobics or classes aimed at older people. If the gym is not your thing then any kind of sport or physical activity is good. Walking, bowls or golf provide exercise without putting too much physical stress on the body.

Stay involved in the community. As people get older they may feel out of touch with the mainstream. They may not see their friends so often and it is easy to suddenly find yourself isolated.

It is important to have an outlet to express your feelings and thoughts about the world and your life. Many people see their children and grandchildren as a focal point and outlet for their thoughts and feelings but it is also important to have a life outside of the family. Look for community activities that you can become engaged in. Many charitable organisations like Rotary run events for seniors. Make friends with people you meet at these events as this will lead to more opportunities to socialise.

Establish a new purpose in life. Retirement should open up a new freedom in your life to try things you never had time to do before because you were working. This doesn't mean a cruise round the world (but it could do) rather taking a hobby or pursuing something that you have always been interested in. This could involve gardening, photography, hang gliding or whatever you can think of. It is important to have something to focus your mind and body on.

The cure of stress is effectively about changing the state of your body. The body responds in a certain way if it believes that it is experiencing stress. This can lead to ill-health over time and a feeling of anxiety or depression. If you find that you are becoming stressed out or suffering from anxiety or depression it is advisable to see your doctor but other techniques can be combined with your doctors advice. These techniques are ways of telling the body to calm down. Three common techniques are meditation, yoga and deep breathing. Meditation and yoga can be learned through classes or by reading books/watching videos. Deep breathing is fairly straightforward and serves to slow the body down and take more oxygen into the body.

Prevention is often better than cure. Stay active and engaged in life and you will find that you have ways to deal with potential stressful events. This does not mean you are running a marathon every month but having an outlet for your energies, thoughts and feelings.

Stress Management For The Elderly

Managing stress is often easier than you think. Many simple methods that you can use today can help you relieve stress and lead a healthier life. Find out more about these simple stress management techniques by visiting Adrian Whittle writes on a number of stress related topics including how stress affects health and common stress symptoms at work.

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