Stress Damage

The types of damage caused by stress can be divided into three categories: temporary damage, deep damage and permanent damage.

Temporary damage is the most common side-effect of stress. After a long, stressing day at work our bodies, hearts and minds are exhausted. After taking a good night's rest, some of the problems we couldn't solve and some of the tensions we experienced still remain, but if we take a long vacation with relaxing massages, healthy exercise and meditative walks in nature most of the temporary stress damage is healed naturally.

Stress Management

If we are completely overwhelmed by stress and experience a breakdown, we suffer deep damage. (Such damage is usually of emotional nature.) This experience forces us to 'take out the garbage' so to speak and take a good look at ourselves and our problems. For better or worse, we are forced to change because of the deep damage of stress.

Permanent damage is the most sneaky. When we have been under stress for so long that we cannot even imagine a life without it, we have suffered permanent damage. Such damage can be physical, mental and emotional (usually all three). Our thinking processes, emotional openness and physical form all become contorted into a relatively permanent shape caused by tension - we made our very being into a prison.

Healing temporary damage requires rest, healing deep damage requires clarity, and healing permanent damage requires fearlessness to take on the all these types of difficulties. Pay attention to yourself and the needs of your body, mind, and heart.

Stress Damage

Browse over 400 spiritual writings and read more about stress damage at: Aeria Gloris -

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