How Does Stress Affect Sports

Stress can be good or bad for a person engaged in a sporting event. Good stress can improve a performance whereas bad stress can cause them to, in sporting parlance, not be at the races. This article will examine these two types of stress, what causes them, how they affect sports and how they can be combated.

Sport is a fairly general term for a range of activities that require varying mental and physical skills. For example, archery and ice hockey have many skills in common but probably more skills that are disparate. Physical exertion may be more intense in ice hockey than archery but mental pressure and judgement would be more in archery.


The body's response to stress is to change the bio-chemistry in the blood. The hormones adrenaline and cortisol are pushed into the bloodstream which passes through the body. This gives the body an energy boost. The muscles will become tighter and prepared for some exertion. The senses will become more attuned; pupils will dilate to allow more light to enter the eye and thus improve eyesight. This response is known as the 'fight or flight' response. It is triggered when the person, through their nervous system, senses a stressful event about to occur. In this way the body can overcompensate for a stressful event by putting too much adrenaline into the blood stream or not enough.

How Does Stress Affect Sports

There seems to be two ways to affect this response. The first is the actual event that is causing the stress. The second is the perceived amount of stress that the person places on the stressful event. They are, obviously, closely related.

In the first instance stress could be caused if the person is new to the sport and does not have the skills or knowledge of the sport. They will feel overwhelmed and worried about things like the rules of the game, what position they should be in, what are their responsibilities or how to do a particular activity. On a physical level, they may not have developed the physique to do certain activities.

In this instance it is important not to take the sport too seriously. If the sport is a form of relaxation or stress relief then this should be clarified each time anything becomes overwhelming. Remember that it is supposed to be fun. Remember, also, that making mistakes is a part of learning. You can only improve by making these mistakes and you will be better for them.

The second way to influence the body's response to a stressful event is more to do with people that are experienced in the particular sport. In this case, we are talking about fine-tuning a performance. It is often said in professional sport that the difference between two competitors is not their fitness or skills but their mental preparation because the physical skills are virtually identical.

This is true. Many top sportspeople use mind techniques and sports psychologists to give them an edge. Simply put, the mind techniques are a way of putting the right amount of stress on a particular event, in the mind of the sportsperson, so that he or she peaks at the right time.

For example, a stirring speech by the coach can have two results. It could inspire the person to a great performance or it could put too much pressure on the person and limit the performance. This is a highly personal issue for people. Knowing how to mentally agitate the stress responses in the body to peak at the right time is a rare skill or talent. Generally, it comes through knowing the person involved.

Music is also used to 'calm nerves'. In this, we mean mediate the stress response in the body. The relaxing music can help the person forget about the stressful event. On the other hand, high energy or dance music is often used to motivate and get the 'blood flowing'. The music is often personal and different music can elicit different responses in people.

Stress is crucial to obtain a peak performance in any sports. Attaining the perfect level of stress for the individual at the right time is often harder than attaining the peak physical condition. From a stress management perspective, knowledge of the persons stress levels and how to alter these levels is the only way improve the individuals performance.

How Does Stress Affect Sports

Adrian Whittle writes for If you are concerned about the effects that stress may have on your life, the common symptoms of stress and ways to defuse your stress levels then visit the site.

Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

Over a million people have heart attacks every year in the United States alone. The startling fact is that it's no longer restricted to people over 65. Reports of heart attack among women and even younger people are on the rise in recent times. While various factors are responsible for heart attacks like high cholesterol, lack of exercise, obesity and blood pressure, the contribution of stress seems to be the most.

In one research, when a group of people with past history of heart attack where given stressful tasks, blood pressure and heart rate increased in all of them. However, in the group who had suffered an attack due to stress, it took a significantly longer time for the blood pressure to return to normal compared to the group whose cause of previous attack was not stress. Also, the former group had higher number of clot forming platelets in their blood. Platelets are formed to stop the bleeding when tear occurs in the heart vessels due to an attack. However, these clots can also cause a blockage restricting the blood flow to the heart.


Another group of researchers have also found that ambitious, aggressive, critical, self-demanding people are more susceptible to heart attacks than less ambitious and less competitive people. When one understands how stress is caused, it becomes clear why the research holds true. We get stressed when things go out of control or when we get too much attached to the outcome of our actions. Ambitious and aggressive people are often critical and demanding of themselves and others. This attitude puts a lot of stress on oneself. On other hand, less-ambitious and contented people do not have high expectations. Therefore they are much more relaxed.

Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

One thing is clear, when it comes to managing stress, relaxation is the key.

Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

For free advice and strategies on managing stress, visit Stress Management Forum.

Common Causes Of Stress Among College Students

College is a wonderful opportunity to, not only further your education, but experiment with life before it gets too serious. Having said that, college life is not without it's stressful situations. Here are a few common causes of stress amongst college students.

Possibly one of the biggest stressors for some college students is the considerable debt they will have to take on, in order to afford tuition fees, campus accommodation and textbooks. Quite often this is a source of great concern for a kid that is straight out of high school and may not be financially literate.


Whilst the debt alone is stressful, the need to service this debt can cause the student to over-extend themselves. This might mean that they have to take on a second job or work long hours as an employee and a student at the same time. This could have knock on effects with the ability to concentrate on their studies which could lead to failure of their course. This scenario would prove stressful.

Common Causes Of Stress Among College Students

Another common cause of stress is adapting to the new life they have suddenly landed into. In many ways this new found freedom can be a source of great joy and motivation, but it can also be stressful.

For many it will be the first time they have lived outside the nurturing and protective security of the family unit. Their parents will have provided for them materially and will have set down boundaries on how to live. This no longer applies in college and one of the first tasks a student undertakes is to find an identity and effectively test the rules that were set out by their parents. The uncertainty and lack of identity is a common cause of stress.

As a student becomes more established in college the stresses that affect them are related to succeeding in their educational objectives. There will be particularly stressful periods when they have to complete papers or cram for exams. Other causes of stress could be giving presentations and seminars on their subject. This could lead to spending long hours concentrating on the subject and letting other aspects of their lives slide. This loss of harmony in their lives could be stressful.

As they get to the end of their college careers, the inevitable stress of preparing for the real or adult world is apparent. Such considerations like, finding a job, preparing and taking job interviews, potentially relocating, leaving their college friends can be stressful.

While most of these concerns are well negotiated by most students, they can often create problems for some. A great way to deal with these problems is to have a support structure to help the student through these times. This structure could be part of the college, be a network of friends or be their family. The importance of being about to talk through these issues cannot be overlooked.

Common Causes Of Stress Among College Students

Adrian Whittle writes for The site features a comprehensive review of stress management techniques. How does stress affect health and common ill-health symptoms related to stress are discussed and a range of stress busting solutions are given.

Can Stress Cause Memory Loss?

You may be staring at your computer screen, knowing perfectly well that the article due to be written needs to be completed and sent within the next hour. But as soon as you start typing the words out, your brain stops functioning, the words don't make sense, and your fingers don't move around the keyboard anymore. Your first instinct is to get up and run out of the door. This is known as the "fight or flight response" that every human being faces in case of impending danger. Although it is devised to save us from any imminent mishap, it is also responsible for slowing the brain down and memory loss.

If you are wondering about can stress cause memory loss you are not the only one thinking of the same question. In case of a situation of stress, our body starts reacting in order to take actions accordingly. Stress hormones such as cortisol are secreted by the brain, which provides energy to our limbs and the will to take action immediately.


Since the hippocampus is robbed of its energy in such conditions, there are high possibilities of creating new memories at this point of time. If the hippocampus is exposed in such a way for a long time, then there are chances of short-term memory loss. The functions of the brain are deterred and loss of memory occurs in such times. Repeated exposure of the hippocampus damages it, and this is one of the earliest causes of Alzheimer's at a later stage.

Can Stress Cause Memory Loss?

Can stress cause memory loss? Yes, it can. Therefore, it is important to control the degree of stress that you allow your body and brain to be subjected to. Sustained subjection of the brain affects the brain cells negatively and causes memory loss in the long run. It is crucial to try to keep the mind and body free of stress as much as possible. Sometimes it may be possible to recover the memory loss and repair the brain damage caused by continuous stress. However, if the damage is too severe, then there is no way that the brain can go back to its normal functions or regain the lost memory. Therefore, take note of how your body and brain is being affected by stress every day.

Still wondering if can stress cause memory loss. It is important that you take this seriously in order to avoid irreparable damage to the brain. However, it is natural for all of us to forget things when we are in the middle of a lot of work. Too much pressure tends to make us forget a few things here and there. But if you are always working under pressure and stress then this may become a chronic ailment. Therefore, it is necessary to work under normal conditions. Misplacing things and not remembering where you kept them is a sign of normal forgetfulness. But stress related memory loss diseases include Alzheimer's, dementia, and other related illnesses that cause trauma to the brain.

Can Stress Cause Memory Loss?

Find out What Causes Memory Loss [] and learn how to cure it. The Causes Of Memory Loss can be stopped before you completely lose your ability to remember.

Eat For Stress Relief - 5 Foods to Calm You Down

If you're jittery bundle of nerves, start eating for stress relief. The following five foods will calm you down and make you feel fit enough to handle whatever life can throw at you.

1. Avocados Lower Your Blood Pressure


Stress is a great excuse to indulge in creamy guacamole. Not only will you get instant stress relief from this green marvel, you'll also do your heart good. Avocado contains both monounsaturated fat, and potassium, which can lower your blood pressure.

Eat For Stress Relief - 5 Foods to Calm You Down

2. Oats, Your Serotonin Enhancer

Just like your mother told you, porridge is good for you. Oats contain carbohydrates which are absorbed slowly, and this enhances the serotonin-producing abilities of your brain. Serotonin is your body's own stress-relieving chemical.

So if you know you'll have a busy, high-pressure day, take a few moments to eat a bowl of porridge or muesli before you leave the house.

3. Oranges - Fast Stress Relief

Oranges for stress relief, who knew? It turns out that vitamin C relieves stress by returning your blood pressure and levels of cortisol (a chemical produced by the body when you're under stress) to normal quickly.

4. Salmon Keeps Cortisol and Adrenaline in Check

Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, and they keep cortisol and adrenaline (another chemical your body produces when you're under stress) in check.

If you hate fish, you can buy capsules of omega-3, but fresh salmon is better for you.

5. Skim Milk, Calms You and Relieves PMS

Do you turn into a fire-breathing dragon at that time of the month? Skim milk not only calms you down at any time, but it's especially useful when you're suffering the irritability and mood swings of PMS.

Here's an added tip: if your stress is giving you insomnia, a glass of skim milk will help sooth you to sleep.

Everyone suffers from stress. The above five foods will not only help you to manage stress, but will also improve your general health, so that you're calm and serene, even in the midst of the chaos of your life.

Eat For Stress Relief - 5 Foods to Calm You Down

Want more stress relief tips? You'll get more information on stress management on the Just Stress Relief Blog at, and at the Easy Fab Yoga Blog at

What Is Psychological Stress?

Stress is a complex term to define. It's simplest definition might be that it is an event or situation that forces a person to adapt to the event. Stress is the event itself and the reaction to that event within the person experiencing it. Thus stress is completely subjective. What may be stressful to one person might be pleasant or fun to another. Flying, for example, can cause some people to develop anxieties and panic attacks while others love to fly and look forward to the flight. What is more, everyone's body responds in the same way to a stressful event, or any event for that matter, but the people that suffer from stress related illness and problems find it hard to turn their body's response off.

Psychological stress is more to do with the turning off of the body's stress responses to a situation.


The body's stress response is to increase the flow of hormones adrenaline and cortisol in the bloodstream. This has the affect of raising the heart rate, redirecting blood from the extremities and stomach to the vital organs, changing the consistency of the blood for potential injury and making our senses more aware.

What Is Psychological Stress?

You could liken this to the charge in a battery. The body charges itself up to a high voltage ready for discharge. In the analogy of the battery, if we were to keep on charging the battery without a chance for it to discharge it would eventually explode. If our body's continue to be flooded with adrenaline and our heart rate is constantly high we will develop health problems which could be fatal.

Psychological stress may have evolved from a real event that caused an emotional disturbance in the past. This event may have been the messy splitting up from a relationship that lead to emotional pain. As the event recedes into the past other sentiments within the persons psyche tend to cause anxiety and stress. So the person might feel unattractive to the opposite sex or lose confidence in socialising with people. These issues will cause stress for the person and can lead to other behaviours that induce stress. They may find it hard to stay focussed or feel that their personality is disintegrating or get anxiety attacks.

All these issues are, effectively, in the mind of the person. They will cause the body to react as if it was under some form of stress when in fact it is not. If this continues for any length of time the person could suffer from ill-health.

Through counselling the person can understand that these issues are not important because there is nothing that the person can do to change the event. Counselling can help people to accept the initial stressful event and rationalise the subsequent stress inducing thoughts. The biggest problem with psychological stress however is that the average person cannot identify psychological stress let alone trace it back to a source. This is why some form of counselling or group sessions can help but many people are reluctant to do this because they feel uncomfortable admitting something is wrong.

What Is Psychological Stress?

If you are concerned about your own stress levels and want ways to manage stress then visit . Adrian Whittle writes on stress related issues, including how stress affects your health and common symptoms of stress.

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress

Stress is often the end result when people react to certain events. In fact, it's the way of the body to handle challenges and meet tough situations with stamina, heightened alertness, strength, and focus.

Enough amount of stress can be good. But, stress overloads are not good. For example, small amount of stress regarding an upcoming examination can inspire you to study but too much stress can entirely make your concentration poor. Too intense or chronic pressures or troubles that are handled alone can result to stress overloads.


The stress overload signs are panic or anxiety attacks, constant feeling of being pressured, hurried, and hassled, moodiness and irritability, physical symptoms including chest pain, headaches, or stomach problems, sleeping problems, allergic reaction like asthma or eczema, depression or sadness, and too much drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or overeating.

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress

What are some ways to decrease stress?

1. Be realistic. Nobody is perfect. Never expect other people to be perfect. It will just heighten your stress. For example; you are doing a difficult school project, it is much better if you ask help from other people to lessen your stress.

2. Decide properly on excessive scheduling. Cut down some activities which are not very important to you.

3. Never forget to relax. Relaxation response is one of be the best and natural stress antidotes. Try doing simple breathing exercises in stressful situations.

4. Always have a good night's sleep. This can keep your mind and body in good shape and prepare to handle negative stressors.

5. Always maintain a positive outlook, thoughts, and attitude. A healthy dosage of optimism helps in making the most of stressful circumstances.

6. Good body treatment. Regular exercise and proper diet helps in proper stress management instead of running or eating fast food or junk food, and turning to substance abuse.

7. Solve little problems. This can build your self-confidence and control.

These ways are simple yet can help you manage stress successfully. But, skills on stress-management work best if regularly used.

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress

To learn more stress relieving ways, visit my stress reducing tips site

7 Tips to Relieve Stress At Work

Do you feel stress at work? Do you carry your stress home with you at night?

Here are some tips that will help you achieve success over stress. You can reduce stress on the job.


1. When making phone calls, as you pick up the phone and dial, take three slow deep breaths. Concentrate on pushing tension out of your lungs as you exhale.

7 Tips to Relieve Stress At Work

2. Sit down to eat. (Do not eat while standing or driving in your car) Focus on relaxing and enjoyable talk at lunchtime. If co-workers only insist on rehashing all of the negative stuff at work, insist on eating alone.

3. When you drive your car to your business or your job, listen to something enjoyable or motivating.

4. On the way home from your business or your job, listen to enjoyable or relaxing music.

5. Take a few minutes each day to thank God, in whatever form is consistent with your belief system, for the glorious sunrise. At sunset, do the same. If you are at work while the sun is setting, take a quick break to watch the sun set and again, thank your concept of "God" for the glorious sunset.

6. Take a few minutes at work to think of people who may have harmed you in any way. Breathe deeply, relax, and push out all of the tension surrounding those thoughts. Fill your hear and your lungs with forgiveness for the person or persons who have harmed you. Wish for them the same success and happiness you wish for yourself.

7. Live today as if it where your last day. Make your last day, your best day!


Use the seven tips to relieve stress at work and enjoy your job and your life.

7 Tips to Relieve Stress At Work

Wayne F. Perkins, Stress Annihilator and author of "How to Achieve All of Your Goals All of the Time" Phone: 602-647-4280 FAX: 928-637-0008 Stress Annihilation Website

"Annihilate Stress and Propagate Hope."

Overcome the Top 10 Causes of Workplace Stress

Workplace stress is on the rise and it's costing corporate America a fortune. Some estimate that 80% of health care costs are stress related, and these expenses go right to the bottom line.

According to, Americans spent more than billion for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs in 2002, up 10% from the year before and nearly 30% over a two year period.


The Institute for Management Excellence reports that American industry spends more than billion each year for medical bills and disability payments with another billion for executive's lost workdays, hospitalization, and early death.

Overcome the Top 10 Causes of Workplace Stress

In addition to these staggering figures, stress takes its toll through the added costs of quality control, legal challenges, lost opportunities, poor performance, bad attitudes, and training.

We cannot do much about the skyrocketing costs of medical care and prescription drugs, but we can take immediate action to control the top ten causes of stress as identified by The Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health.

The countdown is:

10. "Workload" - Employees report that they are often stressed when they have too little or too much to do. Managers need to divide responsibilities and help employees prioritize work that must be done. Make sure you understand the impact before shifting responsibilities. Take into account the cost of stress before you increase anyone's workload or hire more people.

9. "Random interruptions" - Telephones, pagers, walk-in visits, and spontaneous demands from supervisors all contribute to increased stress. Time management, delegation of responsibilities, and clarification of expectations can reduce these stressors. 8. "Pervasive uncertainty" - Stress levels increase rapidly when people are confronted by new requirements and procedures. Keeping people informed controls stress and increases productivity. Put details in a memo so they can review the facts following your explanations.

8. "Pervasive uncertainty" - Stress levels increase rapidly when we are confronted by new requirements and procedures. Finding out what's going on and keeping staff informed helps control stress and increases productivity. Write out the information in a memo so you can review the facts. Staff members will appreciate the written analysis.

7. "Mistrust and unfairness" - These situations keep everyone on edge, create bad attitudes, and lower productivity. It is important to keep an open line of communication to avoid misunderstanding and know what people are thinking about your decisions. Managers must consistently build trust and give equal treatment - just do the right thing.

6. "Unclear policies and no sense of direction" -Lack of focus causes uncertainty and undermines confidence in management. You need more than a well-written policy manual. Enforcement of policies and clear communications are essential.

To make sure everyone gets the message, you can repeat your explanation in a variety of ways -repetition and feedback are important. Reinforce policies through memos, articles, bulletin board postings, personal meetings, and small group discussions.

5. "Career and job ambiguity" - If people are uncertain about their jobs and careers, there is a feeling of helplessness and of being out of control. In addition to the trusted job descriptions and annual personnel reviews, people need to understand a broad range of issues that affect the company.

News of mergers, consolidations, plant closings, and restructuring contribute to a feeling of helplessness. Management must keep people informed about situations that will affect their jobs, or the rumor mill will add to an already stressful situation.

4. "No feedback - good or bad" - People want to know whether they are meeting expectations. Consistent, written and verbal, personalized feedback is required. Some people need more attention than others, but everyone's performance is enhanced if leaders frequently affirm individual efforts.

3. "No appreciation" - Failure to show appreciation generates stress that endangers productivity throughout the company. There are many ways to demonstrate appreciation, but the most effective is a sincere comment about how much the person means to you and the company.

2. "Lack of communications" - Poor communication leads to decreased performance and increased stress. Management memos and announcements work well for distributing information, but two-way conversation improves communication and solicits ideas and suggestions while reducing stress and complaints.

1. "Lack of control" - Workplace stress is at its greatest when employees have no say regarding things that affect them. You can decrease sensitivity to all the other stressors and give a sense of being in control by involving employees in operating and administrative decisions and acting on their input. Frontline employees know what they are talking about. Listening to what they have to say reduces stress and increases productivity.

Effective managers understand that stress control is a leadership responsibility and give it just as much attention as any other management function.

Grasping the concepts and reducing stress one step at a time can have an amazing impact on your bottom line --and on the lives of those who do the heavy work.

Overcome the Top 10 Causes of Workplace Stress

Dale Collie - professional speaker, former US Army Ranger, CEO, and a Fast Company top 50 innovative leader. Author of "Winning Under Fire." (McGraw-Hill)

Teacher Stress - 5 Stress Relieving Techniques For Teachers

With nearly 90% of all teachers experiencing moderate to high levels of stress it is very important that teachers use stress relieving techniques to improve both their career and their health. While stress is evident in any job, teachers seem to face increased levels of stress due to their unique circumstances. Think about what a teacher must deal with day in and day out...high stakes exams, overcrowded classrooms, grading tests, grading homework, grading classwork, administrative paperwork, meeting with parents, department meetings, faculty meetings, challenging students, angry parents, an unsupportive community, and the list goes on...

Without using stress relieving techniques, teacher stress can manifest itself in many ways including headaches, back pain, frequent illness, heartburn, anger, impatience, depression, eating disorders, and insomnia. If not addressed, these manifestations may likely turn into heart disease and hypertension. Stress can even damage memory and cognitive skills.


What's worse is that teachers often don't know how to handle their stress and therefore it comes as no surprise that nearly 50% of all teachers quit within their first five years.

Teacher Stress - 5 Stress Relieving Techniques For Teachers

Fortunately, there are many simple stress relieving techniques that teachers can use that will help improve both their health and their career.

Here are five stress relieving techniques:

1. Get exercise! Do NOT use the excuse that you don't have time. You must make time. Make it part of your routine everyday. While it may be tough at first, you'll quickly find yourself with more energy and you'll be much more efficient at work.

2. Learn to say no. This can be quite difficult...especially as a new teacher. New teachers think they must say "yes" to everything in order to keep their job, but this can quickly lead to teacher burnout.

3. Join teacher discussion boards/forums. There are many teacher forums on the internet where teachers can not only vent their frustrations, but get real advice from real teachers who have experienced the same problems.

4. Think positive. In fact, don't just think positive thoughts, but actually say them out loud. In the morning, or on your way to work, say positive things about your job, about your students, about your colleagues. You'll be amazed at the impact that saying these things out loud can have on the rest of your day.

5. Cool down and take breaks. Teachers have a tendency to go straight through the day (and night) without taking a break. This is unhealthy and only adds to your stress level. Make sure to NOT work through lunch. Take that time to eat a healthy meal and talk to colleagues about things other than school. In other words let yourself take a mental break from the job during the day. Also, at the end of the school day, make a to-do list for the next day and then take ten minutes to relax and cool down with some other stress relieving techniques such as deep breathing exercises, stretching, or visualization.

Teacher Stress - 5 Stress Relieving Techniques For Teachers

There are many stress relieving techniques you can use to improve your health and your career.

To get 21 free stress relieving techniques and a free copy of "How to Win Your War Against Stress" visit

Stress Management Consultants

Medical centers and clinics provide quality service by experienced stress management consultants. Stress management consultants serve individuals, organizations, public agencies, small businesses and insurance companies. The aim of the consultants is to give advice, support and guidance on stress management. Stress management consultants conduct individual programs and organizational stress management programs and executive stress programs. These programs include stress prevention, stress management, managing performance and risk assessment.

Various corporate offices conduct stress management programs for their employees. Consultants act as mediators between the management and employees. In this program, consultants collect referrals of employees from personnel departments. This data is also used in the treatment of stress related symptoms and problems. Consultants develop an on-going stress management program for employees. They also conduct training programs in stress management for organizations and implement effective stress management strategies.


Stress management consultants organize stress management lectures and conferences for individuals and groups. They assess the individuals or groups and determine the need for stress management services. They discuss with individuals to determine stress related problems. The consultants treat stress related conditions like migraine, headaches, hypertension, alcohol or drug abuse and muscle problems. The aim of individual consultation is to improve memory, performance, concentration and immunity.

Stress Management Consultants

Executive programs offered by consultants include presentations, seminars and stress management workshops. They conduct training seminars from one week to six weeks. The seminar program includes introduction of stress, strategies, awareness and a personal stress management program. Objectives of the seminar include better performance, increased efficiency, improved morale and greater productivity.

Stress management consultants also conduct structured professional development programs for health care professionals. They conduct employee assistance programs which consist of professional counseling and consultation services. Some consultants organize specialized seminars that include nutrition programs, exercise programs and sleep programs. Some stress management consultants also provide advice on workers' compensation claims.

Stress Management Consultants

Stress Management provides detailed information on Stress Management, Stress Management Tips, Stress Management Techniques, Stress Management Training and more. Stress Management is affiliated with Stress Relief Games.