Stress Management - 5 Tips For Dealing With Family Stress

Dealing with family stress is a surefire way of creating tension in your household and beyond. Families are an important part of your life. At times it may seem like your family is the source of your stress, but they are also an important source of caring and emotional support. Your family is a valuable resource for coping with stress. They provide you with love, joy, pride and deep satisfaction, while causing confusion, irritation, frustrations dissatisfaction, misery and at it's worse violence.

Families are complicated. Any significant change within the family unit is stressful. Births, deaths, divorce, weddings, dealing with a rebellious adolescent are those things we think about that cause extreme stress. But what about a child going away to college or even starting school for the first time or taking care of a frail elderly parent. I can remember that doing homework was daily stressful event. Stress ripples through the entire family until it's resolved.

Stress Management

But families, God love them, are forever. Even with the stress would you be willing to give them up. After all at the end of the day when all else is said and done they are our biggest champions and will stand beside you, and in most cases will love you unconditionally.

So how do you change or reduce the stress in your family. Since the situations always involve people, open direct communication is your biggest resource. Secrets and indirect communication are the primary sources of stress. Everyone is responsible for their own feelings. When we assume responsibility for someone else's happiness, we communicate a lack of respect for their competence as humans beings. Communication skills take practice. One reason for the lack of good communication is the difficulty of understanding someone other then yourself. Family secrets, alcoholism, drug addition, abuse, violence, infidelities are the biggest obstacles to effective communication. Practice using these tips for better communication and stress reduction in your family.

1. Be direct and clear. Say what you need to say. Avoid vague and confusing words.
2. Make "I" statements. Speak from your own perspective and avoid blaming others
3. Let them know the effect their words had on you. How it made you feel
4. Make sure your verbal and nonverbal messages are not conveying anger
5. Be a good listener. Pay attention to what the other person is saying. Avoid formulating in your mind a rebuttal before they complete their statement.

And I'd like you to invite you to learn even more about how you can easily eliminate family stress.

Stress Management - 5 Tips For Dealing With Family Stress

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From Linda Hampton RN, MSN A Wellness and Stress Management Coach

Related : Yoga

Stress Damage

The types of damage caused by stress can be divided into three categories: temporary damage, deep damage and permanent damage.

Temporary damage is the most common side-effect of stress. After a long, stressing day at work our bodies, hearts and minds are exhausted. After taking a good night's rest, some of the problems we couldn't solve and some of the tensions we experienced still remain, but if we take a long vacation with relaxing massages, healthy exercise and meditative walks in nature most of the temporary stress damage is healed naturally.

Stress Management

If we are completely overwhelmed by stress and experience a breakdown, we suffer deep damage. (Such damage is usually of emotional nature.) This experience forces us to 'take out the garbage' so to speak and take a good look at ourselves and our problems. For better or worse, we are forced to change because of the deep damage of stress.

Permanent damage is the most sneaky. When we have been under stress for so long that we cannot even imagine a life without it, we have suffered permanent damage. Such damage can be physical, mental and emotional (usually all three). Our thinking processes, emotional openness and physical form all become contorted into a relatively permanent shape caused by tension - we made our very being into a prison.

Healing temporary damage requires rest, healing deep damage requires clarity, and healing permanent damage requires fearlessness to take on the all these types of difficulties. Pay attention to yourself and the needs of your body, mind, and heart.

Stress Damage

Browse over 400 spiritual writings and read more about stress damage at: Aeria Gloris -

Related : What to do to lose weight The stress no more Yoga

Laugh Your Stress Away

Everyone faces some kind of stress in the daily routine of life. Maybe you get stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work or your child picked up head lice from another student. Then there's the stress from world events. The news and newspapers are filled with sadness and stories that can be unpleasant to read.

It is common knowledge that stress is bad for our health. It is especially dangerous when it last for a continuous period of time. It can increase your blood pressure. It lowers your immune system. Sleepless nights and lack of energy can also be caused by stress. Finding ways to relax is very important to help lower your chance of developing serious illnesses.

Stress Management

Humor can be a wonderful tension reducer. There is clinical proof that it is an effective remedy to help combat stress. It can be like taking a tranquilizer. It reduces approximately four of the neuroendocrine hormones that are connected with stress response. It can make you feel happy and relaxed by distracting you from negative emotions such as worry, anger and guilt. When you bring laughter into your life, it affects your body in the opposite way that stress does. Your blood pressure is reduced. Your immune system gets stronger. You sleep better and are more active.

Laughter is comparative to postive thinking. Both can help you free yourself from mental problems which would make you feel healthier. Laughter can be a powerful tool when it comes to healing our emotions.

One idea is to make an appointment with a laughter therapist. Laughter therapy is an alternative treatment to manage your stress levels. You are taught the many benefits of laughter. An example is to learn to laugh when things aren't funny. If you are having distressing problems in your life, you can use laughter as a coping mechanism. Troubles seem to fade into the background when you are laughing. It is a way to help you feel more in control of your problems by lessening your feelings of helplessness.

There is another option besides seeing a therapist one on one. You can join a laughter therapy group. The fun thing about being in a group is when one person starts to laugh everyone usually follows.

There are a lot of ways to make yourself laugh besides going to a laugh therapy or group. Watching your pet play can be hilarious. Ferrets are funny in the way they jump around the floor like a boxer. Parrots can be taught to say all kinds of humorous things. The animal channel sometimes has animals doing all kinds of playful antics. You can sign up for newsletters that are filled with jokes and funny video clips. There are letters that send you a joke once a week or every day.

Movies that are comedies are great way to make you laugh. Old rerun shows like Lucille Ball and Bob Hope are extremely funny. You can also buy tapes or watch TV shows with comedians on them doing skits or routines.

Whatever method you choose to make you laugh will be good for your mental and physical health.

Laugh Your Stress Away

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Stress

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Simple Stress Management Techniques: How to Calm Down and Cope

When confronting a tiger, a surge of adrenalin, cortisone and other stress hormones sets us up to get away and survive. But when confronting a traffic jam, an angry customer or an overdue bill, the same inherent stress response becomes counterproductive, even damaging.

We need ways to manage our stress which reduce these automatic reactions and enable us to think calmly and clearly about the best way to resolve the problem. Fortunately, such simple stress management techniques do exist.

Stress Management

A Simple Technique for Managing Your Physical Stress Reaction

Often at the lowest level of our awareness is our physical reaction to stress. Our heartbeat speeds up, our breathing becomes fast and shallow, our blood pressure rises and our muscles tense. Our bloodstream is flooded with a mixture of chemicals to help us survive a physically dangerous encounter intact. None of which helps with that dreaded phone call or late essay.

To calm yourself physically and move back into a state of calm readiness, simply become conscious of your breathing, take control of it, deepen it and slow it down.

The parts of the brain that control breathing usually function by themselves. By taking conscious control, we reestablish our command over our physical reactions and shift our mental and physical state.

A Simple Technique for Managing Your Emotional Stress Reaction

Emotional reactions to stress can be the most distressing. Often, too, our stress is interpersonal (to do with other people), and becoming emotionally upset can make the situation worse.

Emotional stress reactions include anger or irritability, anxiety or dread, and depression or helplessness.

Building on the simple stress management technique for the physical reaction, slow and deepen your breathing as you become aware of how your emotion feels in your body. As you notice your body's reaction, name your emotion and acknowledge it. Then remind yourself that in this situation, it's more useful to have a wider range of resources available to you, and that a calm body and mind will help to bring that about. As you do so, your emotional reaction starts to recede.

A Simple Technique for Managing Your Mental Stress Reaction

Physical stress reactions arise from emotions, and emotions arise from thoughts. Having calmed your body and emotions down, you can take a moment to notice the thoughts that led up to it. Keep a record and discover what thoughts typically send you into a stress response. These are what is called "automatic thoughts" because they turn up by themselves, probably having been put in your head during your childhood by someone well-meaning or otherwise.

When you have a good idea of what your automatic thoughts are, you can start to modify them.

Write down logical, adult, non-blaming counter-thoughts for each of your automatic thoughts.

Set aside a few minutes and calm yourself down by slow, easy breathing, thinking of a pleasant, relaxing place.

In a calm and reflective state, first say the automatic thought as if quoting it to someone, then follow it with the new thought. Repeat this a few times, allowing the conviction to leak out of the automatic thought and flow into the replacement thought.

Repeat this exercise until the automatic thought is dealt with.

These simple stress management techniques can help to shift your thoughts, feelings and physical reactions in the direction of the calm competence which is your best state for handling life's challenges.

Simple Stress Management Techniques: How to Calm Down and Cope

If you want to learn more stress management techniques, visit and sign up for my free Simple Stress Management Techniques online course.

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Eliminating Stress in Everyday Life

Everyone suffers from stressors in everyday life which includes everything from physical threats to responsibilities and worries. Most people find themselves under this condition a great deal of the time. Not being able to remove ourselves from stressors and remaining in a constant atmosphere of stress, our health both mentally and physically, begins to feel the heavy toll that is placed on the body. Symptoms from prolonged exposure to stress increase the risk of everything from heart disease, obesity, and infection to anxiety, depression, and memory problems. Because of the widespread damage it can cause, it's essential to learn how to deal with stress in a more positive way and reduce its impact on your daily life.

There are many ways to deal with stress which include herbal remedies to diet and exercise. Some suggested methods follow:

Stress Management

1. Watch diet and exercise. Getting the body moving is the best way to release pent-up tension. Getting out in the fresh air also helps to clear the mind and take a fresh perspective on things. Eating healthy helps to keep all systems in check and properly functioning. Eating healthy will also help us to lose weight and avoid overeating under stressful conditions.
2. Avoid bad habits: While it may seem like a fix to the problem turning to the use of alcohol and tobacco will only worsen the situation. Use of alcohol increases feelings of depression and pessimism. Turning to this device will worsen the situation and make our bodies more susceptible to life threatening health problems.
3. Get enough sleep: Sleep deprivation and reaction time go hand in hand. Depriving our bodies of adequate sleep will greatly compromise our ability to react to stressors in the proper way. Compromising our judgment and ability to think clearly can cause us to make poor decisions.

Eliminating Stress in Everyday Life

Susan Patterson has been studying alternative medicine and health for over 10 years. She loves to write to help others, especially in the area of quick weight loss [], which can be accomplished safely. She has found several herbal remedies to be effective in her journey to better health without the side effects that medications cause. She is particularly passionate about hoodia for weight loss.

Recommend : Exercise Workouts

Stress Management For The Elderly

Stress management works on two levels. The first is about maintaining an harmonious lifestyle so that stress does not get out of control. This involves having outlets that allow you to release the stress. The second strategy involves learning how to relax yourself or change your mood if stress is having a negative impact on your life. The first strategy is about prevention. The second is more to do with the cure for stress. This article will look at these two strategies and how they can be applied to stress management for the elderly.

There are no great secrets about preventing stress from being a serious issue in your life. If you want to prevent stress then you have to engage in life.

Stress Management

Stay active. Many older people go to the gym these days and there are a variety of low impact activities like water aerobics or classes aimed at older people. If the gym is not your thing then any kind of sport or physical activity is good. Walking, bowls or golf provide exercise without putting too much physical stress on the body.

Stay involved in the community. As people get older they may feel out of touch with the mainstream. They may not see their friends so often and it is easy to suddenly find yourself isolated.

It is important to have an outlet to express your feelings and thoughts about the world and your life. Many people see their children and grandchildren as a focal point and outlet for their thoughts and feelings but it is also important to have a life outside of the family. Look for community activities that you can become engaged in. Many charitable organisations like Rotary run events for seniors. Make friends with people you meet at these events as this will lead to more opportunities to socialise.

Establish a new purpose in life. Retirement should open up a new freedom in your life to try things you never had time to do before because you were working. This doesn't mean a cruise round the world (but it could do) rather taking a hobby or pursuing something that you have always been interested in. This could involve gardening, photography, hang gliding or whatever you can think of. It is important to have something to focus your mind and body on.

The cure of stress is effectively about changing the state of your body. The body responds in a certain way if it believes that it is experiencing stress. This can lead to ill-health over time and a feeling of anxiety or depression. If you find that you are becoming stressed out or suffering from anxiety or depression it is advisable to see your doctor but other techniques can be combined with your doctors advice. These techniques are ways of telling the body to calm down. Three common techniques are meditation, yoga and deep breathing. Meditation and yoga can be learned through classes or by reading books/watching videos. Deep breathing is fairly straightforward and serves to slow the body down and take more oxygen into the body.

Prevention is often better than cure. Stay active and engaged in life and you will find that you have ways to deal with potential stressful events. This does not mean you are running a marathon every month but having an outlet for your energies, thoughts and feelings.

Stress Management For The Elderly

Managing stress is often easier than you think. Many simple methods that you can use today can help you relieve stress and lead a healthier life. Find out more about these simple stress management techniques by visiting Adrian Whittle writes on a number of stress related topics including how stress affects health and common stress symptoms at work.

Thanks To : How to balance Diet

Eight Tips for Stress-Free Living

The following are eight ways I deal with stress:

1. I figure out what I can control. Stress for me is caused by situations that are out of my control. Even if this is the case, there is always something that I can do that is within my control. For example, I cannot control currency fluctuations but I can take actions that cause them to have less financial impact on me.

Stress Management

2. Stress is related to problem solving skills. I work on my problem solving by writing the problem down. Just the simple act of writing it down tends to help with the solution and also helps reduce the stress.

3. Look at what is really happening. Much stress is created in our imagination. We tend to think the problem is worse than what it is.

4. Exercise. Exercise keeps me centered. The times stress bothers me the most is when I have not balanced myself. Plain and simple - exercise reduces stress and the negative reactions to stress. Even a five minute walk can make me feel calmer.

5. Take a few slow, deep breaths. It is amazing how this reduces my stress reaction.

6. Help someone less fortunate. Nothing puts things into perspective better.

7. Acceptance. If there is truly nothing I can do, then worrying only creates stress. This is easy to say but I work hard at trying to accept what I cannot control; however, not until I have done a lot of brainstorming to make sure I cannot do anything about the problem.

8. Stress tends to be closely tied to time management and most of you know I am a student of this. If I am well organized and using my time effectively, I can handle stress better.

Managing stress is a bit like white water canoeing. The water will win if you try to control it - instead, work with it. Simply help guide a bit, but let the river do the work.

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment."
--Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 AD - 180 AD)

Eight Tips for Stress-Free Living

Jim Estill started his business from the trunk of his car and grew into 5 Million in sales before selling it to SYNNEX. He is now CEO of SYNNEX Canada, a Billion computer wholesaler. He is a regular blogger at

Visit : Exercise Workouts What to do to lose weight

Aromatherapy Treatment - 11 Essential Oils For Stress Management and Anxiety Self Help

Aromatherapy means "treatment using scents" and involves using pure essential oils, derived from plants. The essential oils are added to the bath or massaged into the skin, inhaled directly or diffused to scent an entire room. Aromatherapy is used for the relief of pain, care for the skin, alleviate tension and fatigue and invigorate the entire body. Essential oils can affect the mood, alleviate fatigue, reduce anxiety, stress and promote relaxation. When inhaled, they work on the brain and nervous system through stimulation of the olfactory nerves.

Benefits of using Aromatherapy for Stress:

Stress Management

Improve circulation
Aid in the treatment of dementia
Reduce anxiety
Boosting your immunity
Relieve pain and tension
Ease headaches
Help you get a good nights sleep

How to use Aromatherapy oils:

In the bath - just add a few drops
Inhale - You can add one drop to your hand and inhale
Massage - make sure it is diluted
Vaporization - using a burner, this will bring the smell into your entire room

Cautionary Tips:

Always dilute essential oils to a 1% or 2.5% solution
Do not apply essential oils directly to the skin.
Always read the precautions on each bottle before using them

Here is a list of relaxing essential oils for the treatment of stress and anxiety:

Bergamot -
Soothing and uplifting oil that includes good properties for the relief of tension or depression.

Chamomile -
This calming oil is a popular and suitable scent for aiding insomnia.

Jasmine -
As a stimulant or a sedative it is an excellent antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

Juniper -
A good treatment for fatigue it is also used to promote self-esteem.

Ylang ylang -
Calming properties are also used as an aphrodisiac and good for panic attacks.

Rosemary -
Use as a refreshing and stimulating scent.

Lemon balm -
Balances emotions

Sandalwood -
It is used as an antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

Vetiver -
Balances the nervous system and is a good treatment for insomnia.

Lavender -
Useful and popular oil used for relaxing, as an anti-depressant or a pain killer.

Basil -
Light oil with uplifting properties.


Essential oils are well known for their antibacterial properties, which can aid wound healing. The oils can increase blood circulation and stimulate lymph drainage to encourage the removal of toxins.


By carefully choosing an essential oil you can increase concentration, memory and productivity. Insomnia and other sleep disorders can also be treated with oils that have sedative and relaxing properties.


There is a long history of essential oil use by shamans and priests who used them to raise consciousness and help connect themselves to higher spiritual planes. Today, there are many essential oils commonly used to aid meditation.

Aromatherapy Treatment - 11 Essential Oils For Stress Management and Anxiety Self Help

If you would like more information on natural stress relief techniques like aromatherapy you can download a free e Book by visiting Natural Stress Relief Techniques

"Satori"is a Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor and a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher; she is trained in Reiki and Shamanic healing, and the founder of the Seyoga Illustrated Products, which has enabled her to positively transform the lives of many.
Her unique balanced approach to life has allowed her to joyfully share the knowledge of Physical, Mental and Spiritual transformation. She has a Passion to encourage her students to let go and embrace the "I AM" Divinity within. She is the author of several books on stress relief yoga, children illustrated yoga, and natural lifestyle change.
Satori's light journey began in her early teens when she discovered the power of meditation. The roots of her spiritual understanding evolved from the study of Hebrew and Kabbalah in Israel.She is a humanitarian born in Namibia, South West Africa. She continues to connect with her homeland through organizing fundraisers to benefit the children of South Africa.

My Links : Help Me Sleep Well

What Is Psychological Stress?

Stress is a complex term to define. It's simplest definition might be that it is an event or situation that forces a person to adapt to the event. Stress is the event itself and the reaction to that event within the person experiencing it. Thus stress is completely subjective. What may be stressful to one person might be pleasant or fun to another. Flying, for example, can cause some people to develop anxieties and panic attacks while others love to fly and look forward to the flight. What is more, everyone's body responds in the same way to a stressful event, or any event for that matter, but the people that suffer from stress related illness and problems find it hard to turn their body's response off.

Psychological stress is more to do with the turning off of the body's stress responses to a situation.

Stress Management

The body's stress response is to increase the flow of hormones adrenaline and cortisol in the bloodstream. This has the affect of raising the heart rate, redirecting blood from the extremities and stomach to the vital organs, changing the consistency of the blood for potential injury and making our senses more aware.

You could liken this to the charge in a battery. The body charges itself up to a high voltage ready for discharge. In the analogy of the battery, if we were to keep on charging the battery without a chance for it to discharge it would eventually explode. If our body's continue to be flooded with adrenaline and our heart rate is constantly high we will develop health problems which could be fatal.

Psychological stress may have evolved from a real event that caused an emotional disturbance in the past. This event may have been the messy splitting up from a relationship that lead to emotional pain. As the event recedes into the past other sentiments within the persons psyche tend to cause anxiety and stress. So the person might feel unattractive to the opposite sex or lose confidence in socialising with people. These issues will cause stress for the person and can lead to other behaviours that induce stress. They may find it hard to stay focussed or feel that their personality is disintegrating or get anxiety attacks.

All these issues are, effectively, in the mind of the person. They will cause the body to react as if it was under some form of stress when in fact it is not. If this continues for any length of time the person could suffer from ill-health.

Through counselling the person can understand that these issues are not important because there is nothing that the person can do to change the event. Counselling can help people to accept the initial stressful event and rationalise the subsequent stress inducing thoughts. The biggest problem with psychological stress however is that the average person cannot identify psychological stress let alone trace it back to a source. This is why some form of counselling or group sessions can help but many people are reluctant to do this because they feel uncomfortable admitting something is wrong.

What Is Psychological Stress?

If you are concerned about your own stress levels and want ways to manage stress then visit . Adrian Whittle writes on stress related issues, including how stress affects your health and common symptoms of stress.

Visit : The stress no more What to do to lose weight Help Me Sleep Well

The Funny Side of Stress

My sister sent me this piece. She thought SalesWise readers would get a kick (and some wisdom) out of it. It was sent to her, and the author is unknown.

In a recent presentation, a lecturer raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?" Answers from the audience ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied: "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it.

Stress Management

"If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.

"And that's the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden increasingly becomes heavier, we won't be able to carry on. As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.

"So, before you leave the office each night, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever work burdens you carry, let them down for a moment. Life is short. Enjoy it!

And then he shared some ways of dealing with the burdens of life:

* Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.

* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

* Drive carefully. More than cars can be recalled by their maker.

* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

* If you lend someone and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

* Your sole purpose in life may be to serve as a warning to others.

* Never buy a car you can't push.

* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time; you won't have a leg to stand on.

* Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.

* The second mouse gets the cheese.

* When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

* Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.

* You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.

* Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.

* We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.

* A truly happy person can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Enjoy the holiday season!

Talk Back: I'd love to hear your tips about how you deal with stress. Please contact me at

The Funny Side of Stress

Nicki Weiss is an internationally recognized Certified Professional Coach, Master Trainer, and workshop leader. She brings to her work 25 years of experience with corporate sa1es executives, small to medium size entrepreneurial business leaders, and sa1es teams of all shapes and sizes.

Sign up for her award winning ezine - Sa1esWise - for great tips on finding, retaining, and developing ideal clients and sales teams at

My Links : How to balance Diet Help Me Sleep Well Natural body spa

Why Stress Causes Obesity?

Obesity today is so common that young people are also suffering from this kind of disease. Normally, obesity is diagnosed during middle age. However today, you will normally hear that young people in their 20's are now suffering from this kind of disease.

The main cause of obesity is overeating. However, not many people know the causes of overeating. And, the answer to this question is stress. Many people today, especially young people, are now living a hectic and stressful lifestyle. Because they live this kind of life, they tend to eat comfort foods to get rid of stress.

Stress Management

Stress can make you feel hungry even though you just ate. Because of this reason, you will tend to eat more portions and fast food chains are serving food portions that are high in fat, sugar and salt 700 percent larger than what is recommended by dietitians and nutritionists.

Over the past two decades, stress has increased in an alarming rate. Studies also found that along with the increase of stress, obesity also followed closely. Try and ask yourself about being stressed. After eating a hearty breakfast, you set off for work. On your way to work, you experience being stuck in a traffic jam. You will see that it will stress you out and it will also make you hungry an crave for food even though you just ate a big breakfast just less than an hour ago.

As you can see, stress is a large contributor to obesity. Because of this, it is very important for you to live a stress free lifestyle as much as you can. You can consider exercising as it can reduce stress or you can also try to meditate.

There is so much you have to change in your life today in order to avoid experiencing stress and at the same time, avoid gaining weight until you become obese. Through exercise and by eating only when you need to, you will decrease stress plus it can also decrease your risk on becoming obese.

Remember this and you will live a happier and healthier life. Defeat obesity by first defeating stress.

Why Stress Causes Obesity?

To learn how you can defeat stress with these ways to deal with stress, visit my stress reducing tips site

See Also : Exercise Workouts What to do to lose weight Guide To Herb

Stress Management - High Blood Pressure and the African American Woman

I am an African-American woman who was born and raised in the south. My family, like many other southern families, idea of having a good meal is eating smothered pork chops, home made mashed potatoes with gravy, collard greens with ham hock and jiffy cornbread with butter on top. In the south, we love to eat the hog and all of its parts. Southerners are known for eating chitlings, pork ribs, chopped barbecue, ham sandwiches, pork sausage, and bacon.

Everything Good To You Is Not Good For You
My mother cooked and fed her children pork because her parents cooked and fed their family pork. My mother died from too much stress on her heart, as did her mother. They both had high blood pressure and they both died young. I am forty years of age and I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Do you see the pattern? Is this a pattern in your family as well?

Stress Management

Eat Healthy
The way that you can manage the stress that is being placed on your heart is by preventing it before it happens. When you eat fried foods and pork products you run the risk of clogging up the walls of your arteries. If your arteries are clogged with build up from grease then you are putting stress on your heart because your heart has to pump extra hard to get the blood to your vital organs. Managing stress starts with your diet by limiting the amount of pork, salt and fried foods that you intake and increasing the amount of fruits,vegetables, whole grains and fiber that you eat. Before you change your diet, you should consult with your doctor. There are also many books out there about healthy eating as it relates to African-American women.

You can also reduce the amount of stress you place on your heart by exercising. Your heart is a muscle that is connected to valves which are connected to your arteries. When your heart is pumping blood it moves the valves and when you are inactive there is not enough blood flowing to keep your valves working properly. Walking for about 30 minutes a day is a great exercise for strengthening your heart and keeping your blood flowing properly. You should consult with your doctor before you start a new exercise regime.

Statics show that African American women have a high risk of being diagnosed with high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a disease that can be passed on from family to family but you can also have high blood pressure because of controllable variables such as being over weight, inactivity and having poor eating habits. High blood pressure is a silent killer and can lead to strokes and heart attacks. If you have not done so already, get you blood pressure checked and work on controlling the amount of stress that you place on your heart.

Stress Management - High Blood Pressure and the African American Woman

Antionette Tate enjoys helping people to discover their inner peace and joy. She invites you to visit her blog "Inner Peace and Joy: Tips to Help You Maintain Inner Peace and Joy Daily" or email

Related : What is Detox The stress no more What is Pregnancy

Stress Management Tip - Physical Exercise

Any form of physical exercise can be a great way to reduce stress. By regularly going to a gym, for a run or competing in a team sport, an outlet is created that gives you the opportunity to focus on an enjoyable activity and literally forget about the day to day events that may contribute to stress in your life.

By doing physical exercise the body will inevitably get fitter and stronger. A fit person is less likely to get sick and tired especially during stressful periods. As a person becomes fitter, their self esteem and self worth will naturally increase. This also reduces the likely hood of succumbing to stress and in fact will typically have a better chance of coping with stressful situations.

Stress Management

Competitive forms of exercise can also help reduce stress. Normally, competitive sport will require participants to regularly train, set goals and work in a team. They are also required to learn how to cope with stressful moments during a game as well deal with both victory and defeat. Such activities emulate real life situations and therefore will help you to deal with the challenges that life may bring you.

Some physical exercises which involve repetitive movement, such as running or riding a bike, can have a meditative effect bringing on change in your the state of consciousness. Like any other form of meditation, the result is usually an increase in mental alertness and feeling calm yet more alive.

On an "etheric" level, it is believed that physical exercise has a cleansing affect on the energy body. All the dirty energy that contributes to stress is automatically expelled during physical activity. The energy body will naturally replace this with fresh energy freely available in the air and the earth.

Stress Management Tip - Physical Exercise

David Tomaselli is the creator of Stress Management and Self Improvement Techniques – The Wholistic Development Exchange. The aim of the Wholistic Development Exchange is to empower you to deal with stress, pressure and the day to day challenges that life brings by providing you the latest Tips, Techniques, Articles, News, E-Books, Products and other Resources related to Stress Management and Self Improvement. To download free E-Books go to our Free Stress Management E-Books section. To find out how to create an Extra Hour in your Day, have a read of our NEW seven part Time Creation Tips series.

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Minimizing Stress

Understanding Stress

Stress has been called "the invisible disease". It is a disease that may affect you, your organization, and any of the people in it, so you cannot afford to ignore it.

Stress Management

1) What is Stress?

On occasions, all of us experience stress. Beneficial stress can help drive a few of us to become Olympic champions, but harmful stress can drive others to despair. A force as powerful as that should always be handled with respect.

A) The Definition Of Stress

Stress in individuals is defined as any interference that disturbs a person's healthy mental and physical well-being. It occurs when the body is required to perform beyond its normal range of capabilities. The results of stress are harmful to individuals, families, society, and organizations, which can suffer form, "organizational stress".


Learn how to spot your stress warning signals, and then act on them.

B) Its Effects On Society

The social costs of stress are already high-and are increasing steadily. Society bears the cost of public services such as healthcare for those made ill by stress, pension for early retirement brought on by stress, and disability benefits for accidents occurring because of stress. In addition to this, stress often makes people irritable, and this affects the overall quality of everyone's lives.


Do not be afraid to talk about situations that you find stressful.

C) Its Effects On Companies

Stress costs industry over 0 billion a year in the US alone - through absenteeism and reduced levels of performance by those who are physically present but mentally absent. In the UK, as much as 60% per cent of all absenteeism is believed to be because of stress related disorders. Anything that can reduce the damaging effects of stress makes workers happier and companies richer.


Take a stroll when you are stressed - it can help restore your perspective.

D) Its effects On The Body

When the human body is placed under physical or psychological stress, it increases the production of certain hormones, such as adrenaline and cortical. These hormones produce marked changes in the heart rate, blood pressure levels, metabolism, and physical activity. Although this physical reaction will help you to function more effectively when you in pressure for short periods of time, it can be extremely damaging to the body in the long-term.

Minimizing Stress

Manik Thapar (MBA)

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Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

Over a million people have heart attacks every year in the United States alone. The startling fact is that it's no longer restricted to people over 65. Reports of heart attack among women and even younger people are on the rise in recent times. While various factors are responsible for heart attacks like high cholesterol, lack of exercise, obesity and blood pressure, the contribution of stress seems to be the most.

In one research, when a group of people with past history of heart attack where given stressful tasks, blood pressure and heart rate increased in all of them. However, in the group who had suffered an attack due to stress, it took a significantly longer time for the blood pressure to return to normal compared to the group whose cause of previous attack was not stress. Also, the former group had higher number of clot forming platelets in their blood. Platelets are formed to stop the bleeding when tear occurs in the heart vessels due to an attack. However, these clots can also cause a blockage restricting the blood flow to the heart.

Stress Management

Another group of researchers have also found that ambitious, aggressive, critical, self-demanding people are more susceptible to heart attacks than less ambitious and less competitive people. When one understands how stress is caused, it becomes clear why the research holds true. We get stressed when things go out of control or when we get too much attached to the outcome of our actions. Ambitious and aggressive people are often critical and demanding of themselves and others. This attitude puts a lot of stress on oneself. On other hand, less-ambitious and contented people do not have high expectations. Therefore they are much more relaxed.

One thing is clear, when it comes to managing stress, relaxation is the key.

Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

For free advice and strategies on managing stress, visit Stress Management Forum.

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Stress Management - Seven Simple Strategies For Short-Circuiting Stress

Doing something different can often break the stress cycle and give you a fresh outlook. If you're feeling hassled, frustrated, and tense, try one of the following suggestions, or let these spark your imagination for your next steps to escape the worrisome ruts of your life. Short-circuit your stress by doing something positive but a little outside of your routine to revitalize and refocus.

1. Get out your back issues of Reader's Digest and enjoy the jokes again. While you're at it, clip your favorite jokes and begin a file for those times when you need a chuckle. Humor is a great way to let go of stress.

Stress Management

2. Watch a baby learning to walk. They use many creative approaches to taking those first steps, and they look really surprised when they plop down, but they keep getting up and trying again. Your life can be a similar adventure if you choose to see it that way!

3. Sit on your back porch and savor a bowl of blueberries and yogurt. It's a healthy treat for most of us, and can help you to relax and reconnect with the natural sweetness of life.

4. Give away something you enjoyed but no longer need to someone who can use it. You'll smile inside and be more relaxed and upbeat.

5. Do the "child pose" from yoga. Kneel and sit back on your folded up legs, then lean forward until you can lay one cheek on the floor. Arms are at your sides with fingers back toward your feet. Relax this way for a couple of minutes, then stretch and get moving again. Or go to bed and sleep deeply.

6. Tell the story of your zaniest or most embarrassing moment as a teenager to a close friend. Chances are you'll both be laughing like crazy, letting stress melt away.

7. Declare an impromptu party. Invite half a dozen friends -- including at least one new friend -- to stop what they are doing and come over with whatever they were planning to have for dinner tonight, and you can all share food and play Scrabble, watch a movie on television, or talk yourselves silly.

Bonus Strategy:

8. Stay up all night and talk to God. Ask for assistance with eliminating the causes of your stress. Talk it over. Be angry if that's how you feel. (God can handle it!) Write and burn your messages, or just pray and listen. Devote the entire night to communicating with the God of your heart and watch what happens to your stress level as issues in your life begin to change in the next few days and weeks.

Stress Management - Seven Simple Strategies For Short-Circuiting Stress

For more stress reduction tips, sign up for my free newsletter, 17 Simple Stress Solutions, at Check out my articles on success, less stress, and my Ask Dr. Ilenya advice column at my blog,

Dr. Ilenya Marrin is a personal peace coach, spiritual counselor, inspirational speaker and author of ebooks The Power of Personal Peace: Reducing Stress by Loving Yourself from the Inside Out and 77 Loving Steps for Success.

My Links : Guide To Herb Natural body spa

Stress Management For College Students

Change of environment, juggling subjects with other workload, coping with deadlines, family expectations, over-commitment, expenses, etc. are common issues that often put pressure on college students. It goes without saying that attending college is in itself inherently stressful. However, mild amounts of stress for college students can be advantageous or necessary to challenge them. Stress can motivate or stimulate, which may actually improve performance. However, too much stress begins to interfere with their functioning. Stress levels tend to build over time that when not managed effectively can result in various physical illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Only in identifying the stressors and conquering them can students maximize their opportunities and college experience.

Common Causes of College Stress

Stress Management

In order to identify an effective stress management technique, the stressors specific to college students should be determined. It's also important to distinguish between sources of stress that are within your control, and those that are not.

Common college stressors:

1) Academic stress - increase in workload over insufficient time, new responsibilities, difficult exams, challenging classes, low grades, deadlines to meet, scheduling issues to coordinate and a more independent nature of the college learning structure

2) Social stress - creating a new social network, separation from home and finding less parental support, living with a roommate, balancing school work with friends or part-time jobs and dealing with the demands of young adult relationships

3) Other stresses - daily hassles (commuting and waiting in line), financial crisis, studying long, hard hours and waking up early for classes, logistics of living independently (i.e., laundry) new students deal with abrupt change from high school and more seasoned students wonder if they're in the right major

Tips for Managing Stress

There are a number of techniques to help college students minimize the stress they are feeling.

1) Time management: Develop a schedule to manage your time indicating your goals and priorities. Learn to plan ahead and avoid procrastination. When you're stretched too thin and running behind, it's hard to stay calm and focused.

TIPS: Create a 'To Do list' or a planner and keep track of deadlines and schedules and learn to say 'No'.

2) Get Organized: Have a system of organization for note-taking, keeping track of assignments, and other important papers. Create a good study environment where you can concentrate, focus and get things done. Being organized can bring you the peace of mind that comes from knowing where everything is, remembering deadlines and test dates, and clearing your mind of some of the mental clutter that disorganization brings.

TIPS: Keep a calendar, a schedule and a filing system for your school stuff.

3) Exercise, Nutrition and Sleep: Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. If you want to perform at your best, you need to be well-rested. Physical activity is also a great stress reliever.

TIPS: Work your schedule so you get enough sleep or exercise.

4) Don't sweat the small stuff: Always be conscious if the issue at hand is worth getting upset about. If it isn't affecting your goal achievement, it may not be worth fretting over.

5) Develop Optimism: It's been proven that those who more easily shrug off failures and multiply successes -- are healthier, less stressed, and more successful. The habit of optimism and positive thinking can bring better health, better relationships, and, yes, better grades.

6) Maintain your sense of humor and positive thinking: Laughter is one of the best stress-busters there is.

7) Communicate: Talking to a person who you trust like a friend, family member, or professor about issues of concern is helpful. Although most college student related stress is self-manageable, there are situations that may be serious enough to require counseling. If the stress in your life is overwhelming and/or you feel helpless, ask for help or share your concerns with a counselor or your teacher.

TIPS: Use the phone or email to stay in touch with family and friends at home and get involved with groups and clubs at school can be an excellent remedy for college loneliness.

College students who can deal with stress effectively maintain their health and well-being, are able to focus during classes, and get better grades! Remember, college is supposed to be enjoyed, not endured -- it's important to keep college stress under control.

Stress Management For College Students

Hi, I'm Phil Gabbard and I created this site to help other degree seekers complete their college degrees in the shortest amount of time.

I have completed an Associates Degree, a Bachelors Degree, various industry certifications (Microsoft MCSE, Cisco CCNA and CCDA, FCC GROL with radar endorsement, etc.), all without spending significant amounts of time in the classroom.

I accomplished this while assigned in foreign countries. Working far from the resources we take for granted, I have learned techniques for goal setting, motivation and efficient study that any one of you can use to accelerate your education.

To contact me, please email

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