What is Stress?

Stress is any kind of pressure that it is physical, mental or emotional in nature. Stress comes in many forms and causes all sorts of harm if left unchecked. Physically it can damage the bodily functioning causing illness, mentally it can confuse and frustrate, and emotionally it can be draining. Did you know that 70% of health-care costs stem from preventable diseases according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention? Well, according to Cooper Wellness Program, stress contributes to 85% of all medical problems!

Nutritionally speaking, stress management is extremely important for reducing free radical formation which can ward off illness. Mentally, stress management helps one to have clearer, sharper focus. Emotionally, managing stress balances the ups and the downs and puts life and its roller coasters into better perspective, helping one go with the flow rather than pinch off life force. And were you aware that 75% of the general population experience at least "some stress" every two weeks, according to a National Health Interview Survey? Common stressors include balancing a hectic schedule, racing from one place to another due to time crunches, or a change in one's home or work environment.

\"stress Management\"

Unfortunately, prolonged stress can also lead to development of alcohol abuse, suicide, drug addiction, cigarette addiction and other harmful activities and as I've mentioned, illness. The best approach to stress is to understand it and utilize better management skills. If you are the type of person who becomes overly apologetic, nervous, frantic, pleasing, take stock; calm down and ask yourself, why?

Oftentimes food allergies can contribute to your stress condition, so you want to make sure you truly want that extra cup of coffee and donuts. You don't need it, it is not truly a source of energy. Perhaps switching to green tea, yogurt and carrot sticks would be just the ticket to give you the calm feeling and energy needed to spring throughout your day and stay on top of things without the stressed out jitters.

Overreacting, getting upset or behaving frantically promote nothing but free radicals, frustration and more upset, and the cycle begins again. Learn to break out of these habits, this vicious cycle, and stop to think for a moment. "What am I doing and why am I doing it?"

Write down what it is that you feel stresses you out. Come to terms with why this bothers you. Understand that all stress is temporary, all worries and concerns are temporary. Act as if your stressor trigger problem has already been solved, and then approach with your action plan. This way you are coming from a more centered place and ready to act with a clearer, more focused mind.

Learn about what you like and what you don't like; what you avoid in life and why. Discover why you fear the way you do and how to solve these dilemmas and reduce stress, by looking within for the answers. Spend time with self, getting to know self. It is in this way that you become calm and ready to reach for your goals with a confident, peaceful presence.

What is Stress?

If you would like to explore further, come learn about yourself either through life coaching with me (I'll offer you a free email session to start; or come join my school of holistic health practitioners and make this world a better place. Learn in comfort of home and become board-certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

© 2009 Kristen Lauter

Kristen Lauter is a Certified Life Coach through Coach Training Alliance Inc, and a Certified Nutritional Consultant through American Association for Drugless Practitioners, as well as Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through American Association for Drugless Practitioners. Kristen is founder of Holistic Healers Academy which offers Holistic Health Practitioner programs in comfort of home. Over 40 courses to choose from. Holistic Healers Academy is accredited by the American Association for Drugless Practitioners. Students usually finish five courses within three - six months. Website: http://www.holistichealersacademy.com *Kristen is also a teacher of Awaken the Healer Within

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