Stress - Types, Causes and Treatment

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of everyday life. Every person suffers from one form of stress or another at some point in their lives. The word "stress" is often associated with bad feelings, depression and fatigue. What many are not aware of is that there are good forms of stress, as well as bad. Stress can make one more productive, or it can cause sleeplessness, irritability and anxiety.

Eustress is the kind of stress felt before a big event, after winning a trophy, or in anticipation of a big promotion. This type of stress never lasts long, but the effects of this type of stress are positive rather than negative. Eustress gives us strength when we need it most. Most people do not regard that anxious anticipation as a form of "stress", but that is exactly what it is. Eustress is a positive stress. It gives us strength, motivation and inspiration.


The most common form of stress is called acute stress. In moderation, this form of stress can be exciting. Many people feel this type of stress before an important event. However, too much of this stress can be exhausting. This stress is brought on by the pressure of everyday life, be it a report to do in a short time, or an exciting event just past. Too much of this type of stress can cause very discomforting symptoms, such as tension headaches, nausea, anxiety, irritability and depression. Most people can recognize these symptoms of stress by just taking the time to look at how hectic their life has been lately. This type of stress is easily manageable and usually results in no serious long-term affects.

Stress - Types, Causes and Treatment

Chronic stress is possibly the most dangerous type of stress, along with post-traumatic stress disorder. Chronic stress is also a common illness and is often crippling to the mind and body. Unlike acute stress, chronic stress is long lasting. This type of stress can continue affecting lives for weeks, months, even years. People suffering from chronic stress think negatively about almost everything. They often believe that disaster waits around every corner. Nothing good ever lasts very long and there seems to be no end in sight for the bad. Individuals suffering from chronic stress often lose hope and stop trying to find a solution for their problem.

Individuals suffering from chronic stress often learn to live with it. They get used to feeling horrible all the time. Chronic stress becomes almost comfortable and sometimes unnoticeable. Chronic stress, if not properly treated, can become fatal. Health risks caused from chronic stress include heart attack, stroke and maybe even cancer. Some people suffering from chronic stress resort to taking their own lives. Often, in order for the symptoms of chronic stress to be controlled, medical treatment is needed, as well as psychiatric treatment.

Sometimes stress can be decreased by making simple changes in our everyday lives. Other times, extensive psychotherapy is necessary to treat the symptoms. Set back some "alone time" to unwind. Read a book, listen to music, or just take some deep, soothing breaths every day. Many people have found that setting aside time for themselves has increased the overall quality of life. Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night to allow your body to recuperate after a busy day. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and be sure to get enough exercise. This will give you more energy and help heighten your mood. If you feel that changing your lifestyle will not suffice and that you need more help, talk to a health professional.

Stress - Types, Causes and Treatment

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Stress