How to Avoid Common Stress Triggers

Common Stress Triggers:

Money. Whether it's the rising cost of gas, monthly bills, unexpected expenses or trying to save for the future, money is the number 1 stress trigger common to all of us.


One big monetary stress factor we deal with daily is hearing about the cost of gas. So how can you eliminate this concern from your life?

First, figure out just how much more money you will have to spend on a weekly basis if gas does actually go up 50 cents/gallon. It probably isn't quite as much as you think. But even if it is a big factor in your weekly budget, then find a less necessary expense to eliminate and offset your rising expense associated with gas prices. If this isn't possible, figure out a way to reduce your gas expenses - get a more fuel efficient car, find alternate transportation, or simply join a carpool.

Just about every money related stress trigger in your life can be eliminated, or at least reduced, by following this same formula:

1. Quantify the expense
2. Offset the expense
3. Reduce the expense - this may require some research & time

The problem with money related stress for most people is that they allow it to become bigger than it actually is by not facing it head on. Don't ignore the problem, find a solution.

Time. The second biggest stress trigger in our lives is caused by trying to fit more and more into a 24 hour day. There never seems to be enough time to get everything accomplished and every day there's another thing we add to our "To-do List".

For some of us this overwhelming sense of responsibility leads to procrastinating deadline driven tasks until the last minute in order to complete other tasks in the meantime, which just compounds our frustration and stress.

How to avoid time related stress triggers: Prioritize. If you don't already have your priorities in life identified you should. Then it's just a matter of discipline to carry out all the activities in your life accordingly. When you don't adhere to your priorities, you create internal stress from your conflicting actions and beliefs.

Inanimate Objects. Stress is all around us and we're usually not even aware that we're experiencing it. In fact, sometimes the seemingly simple act of thinking about, or even looking at, something causes you stress. If you are having car problems, or trouble making car or house payments, every time you gaze upon your "stress trigger" you are probably increasing your cortisol levels and causing your body undetectable damage, including fat retention.

How to avoid stress caused by objects in your life: Change how you think about it. Be aware of your thoughts when they happen and consciously tell yourself that A) There's nothing you can do about it, and fretting over it will not make anything better, or B) Come up with a solution to the problem and in doing so eliminate the stress related to it.

This same approach can also extend to problems in relationships, or concerns about your personal health or well-being, or that of family and friends.

  • Become aware of the stress trigger
  • Figure out whether you can control it or not
  • Eliminate it (if possible) or Change the way you think about it
  • Implement a solution (if appropriate)

We end up maintaining very high levels of stress because we attach stress to certain thoughts. Many times this can have a cyclical affect. For instance your life is stressful so your high levels of resulting cortisol in your body cause you to gain, or retain, fat; you become upset about the weight gain which triggers stress induced cortisol production, causing you to gain more fat. You then cause yourself more stress by worrying about accommodating exercise and eating properly within the normal time-related pressures of your already busy life. Soon you become frustrated that you're putting all this pressure on yourself and still seeing no visible results from all of your hard work, triggering even more stress!

If you want to lose weight, be healthier, or just be less stressed, apply these principals in your daily life. You can control your stress levels. Don't wait for life to become less stressful because it won't happen on its own.

How to Avoid Common Stress Triggers

I am a certified personal trainer who trains and advises a broad spectrum of people who want to live healthier and happier lives. I offer personalized on-site training, virtual exercise program design, and complete lifestyle & health advice. Learn more about how I can help you achieve your fitness goals by visiting my website,

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